I try to clean and tidy while my little one is playing so that when it's her nap time or bedtime I can watch YouTube and look at things I'm interested in. What is it you're doing on your phone? Maybe try deleting apps that you feel drawn to and just installing them again in the evening.
I definitely relate to this. Maybe you’re feeling a bit lonely and having your phone and that constant interaction with people or watching videos makes you feel less like that x
I talked to my counsellor about the same thing. Her first question was do you need your phone with you at all times. Well no I guess i don't. So firstly maybe try putting the phone away, try just for 15 minutes on day 1 and then increase. Periodically check if for emergencies but just don't have it on you constantly. Look up free and easy indoor activities for toddlers. My little boy loved it when I just set up a load of plastic bowls and stuff on the floor of the kitchen with water it and I let him go nuts. Yeah a bit of mess to clear up but it was active and didn't require me to do much except watch.