When my milk first came in, my breasts changed (became more full) so my baby also had trouble latching. I also had to use a nipple shield. You could try pumping a few minutes before feeding so your breasts are less full. Also could try expressing some milk into the shield so baby gets a taste and will want to latch. All I can say other than that is to keep trying. Also putting the nipple onto the roof of baby's mouth could make baby latch. If baby gets too upset, take a break and try again. It took me about 2 full weeks to get the latching stuff all worked out. Good luck, mama! ❤
2 replies
Of course! Feel free to message me anytime.. I know the struggle! ❤
This video helped me so much, it’s long but I watched it twice and it was well worth it. I also had to supplement with formula before my milk came in because she had jaundice and lost weight. She’s been drinking breastmilk only ever since and has gained over 1lb. Hopefully it helps you too! https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=OUqRVSeBpY8
1 reply
Thank you so much! I’ve had to supplement because my son lost some weight as well. It’s a tough transition back but I’m determined. Thank you for the video!!!! So helpful!
I have great advice podcasts to help esp if you are fixed to breastfeed
1 reply
Sure! I’d love the info
Aww thank you so much for your reply. This is exactly what I’m going through and I refuse to give up. I’m using the shield as well. I’m going to try what you said. Thank you so much for your reply!