Today is our due date💖🎉

Today is our due date and I’m feeling rather emotional 😢🙈 I can’t believe we’ve gotten here already 💗 if everyone could leave some nice comments and words of support that would be greatly appreciated ☺️ hoping little miss makes an appearance very soon! ~ who else got to their due dates?
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Amazing you got to due date! I didn’t make mine in 2018. Had a c-section booked at 39 weeks and then went into labour at 38+4 and so had emergency c-section! Wishing you all the best when you’re beautiful baby decides to come along! Enjoy your bump while you can - you’ll miss it! Xx

How exciting!! Happy Due Date! My 1st baby, i was 2 weeks late, he baked a little bit more, and is still a big mommas boy at 15..lol

All the best

I had my bean one day before my due date, so close! Congrats tho mama! 🥰

Wishing you all the best. You got this! xx

I went into labor at 39w 6d, and had my son at exactly 40w

Exciting! My due date was yesterday 😍

I was two days before my due date!

Thank you so much everyone☺️ sending so much love 💗

Congratss momma 😊❤

Congrats! I was 5days late!

I was due yesterday too. Still pregnant tho 🤦🏻‍♀️ this little girl is obviously too comfortable.

Good luck! I’m sure baby will be here soon. I had my 2nd 2 days after his due date. My first born was 8 days early. Hang in there!

Aww congratulations! Praying for a safe delivery for you and your baby

SD to you by d grace of God

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Congrats! I went over with my first by 6 days and then 10 days early with my second

I went a week past mine! Baby will come when she and you are both ready! Just relax and rest as much as possible, and don’t stress. You’ve got this ❤️ All the good thoughts and prayers for you and your family!

Good luck! My due date was yesterday too 🤗 No sign yet.... x

You got this! My baby was 9 days late, but once she was here everything was good to go! Your baby girl is just so cozy with you she needs a bit more time! ❤️

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Goodluck and congrats i have a 6 month old and plan on another sooon

Good luck!! We can do this 💪 🙌 ❤ I'm 4 days overdue with my babygirl 🙄🤰🙈

Congratulations to you !! I got my due date he was here right on time

Also, don’t forget that due dates are just an estimation! Baby will come when she is ready! 😊

Congratulations lovely, has the baby arrived yet ? I’m overdue by 3 days now

How exciting! First born was 2 days late. 2nd born was 4 days early. May your delivery be fast and painless. May you fall in love with your darling from first look. May you be surrounded with all the love one can munster. Girls are the best. Your in for a wonderful ride. Don't hold on too tightly and enjoy the ride.

Congrats! I'm sure you will do great! And baby will be happy and healthy! We are here for you, sharing in the excitement❣

Best wishes for this months and coming months

Good luck you got this momma!!!

Goodluck 💕 Remember to try relax and don’t stress too much if bubs keeps you waiting. My bubba boy was 13 days later 😬

Congrats!! 😁 though remember your baby might not be born for another 2 weeks and that would still be totally normal...I’d aim for that and if he comes sooner then it’s a bonus!

My first was born 10 days past my edd and I was induced at 14 days past my due date with my second. Baby will come when it’s ready, and you will do just fine! Good luck!!

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i was overdue 40 weeks 4days

Wishing you all the best and hoping for a speedy labor and a lifetime of love with your beautiful little one ❤️

Congratulations! 🎊🍾🎈🎉 I got pulled into the hospital a week before my due date due to low amniotic fluid. So happy to hear you made it to yours! When you’re in that situation your instincts will take over and you’ll feel ready. You’re going to be amazing!

7d past due here, we had to be induced. You'll get to meet her before you know it! You'll forget what life was like before her <3 you got this momma

Due dates are just guesses. Chicken eggs don't all hatch at the same time. It's silly to think babies all need exactly 40 weeks :) you got this! I made it to exactly 40 with my son ❤️ I won't let them induce me unless the baby or I will die. Pitocin is horrid.

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What's wrong with pitocin, my baby was 4.5 days late and was induced?

Congrats! Praying for a safe delivery for you!

Best wishes🥰

My daughter was very prompt and born right on her due date!

Congrats!!!! U got this!!!! Stay strong!!! Someone beautiful is waiting for u

My first was born on his due date! Congratulations 🎉 I hope you have a healthy happy baby and a smooth delivery 💕✨

Wishing you all the best!!!!

Went a week past mine and had to get induced. Baby girl had a better idea of what 2020 was going to look like than we did and she didn't want to come see it lol. Good luck and congratulations!

Ohh my gosh congratulations! Your going to be amazing! Every part of this journey is yours and every part is special and will always be part of your story. Be excited for your first chapter 💕

Congratulations 💜 prayers for healthy smooth delivery!

Oh yes... I made it to mine and passed it by a full 2 weeks 1st time around and 1 week past with my second... It literally could be any day now (maximum of 2 weeks if you're in the UK) I would sleep as much as you can and enjoy time with loved ones if you can... Soon enough you'll have your beautiful baby girl in your arms. Congratulations on making it to D day ♥

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Wishing you all the best. You’ll meet your little princess soon 🥰 xx


You are a strong, powerful women ! You got this mama! Bring your baby home !!!!

8 days away from my due date! Hoping she’ll come this week

Stay strong, you can do it xx

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