Community Posts, Tips & Support on First Trimester

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on First Trimester.

Having a baby girl 💗🥰

found out tonight and we’re keeping the news quiet so just wanted to post somewhere!!! we’re so delighted


anyone else really miss being pregnant? i don’t necessarily want another baby right now but i miss the excitement, scans, bump, buying and washing all the tiny little clothes and imagining who will wear them 😩il

i think i also miss how happy i was. not that im not happy now because i am but i was so naive about how difficult motherhood would be and i was just so excited in my little bubble. the newborn stage was a massive shock to me 😅


Pregnant stay at home mum with toddler! Anyone else?

Anyone else have a 2 year old (or below) and expecting and a stay at home mum? What are the vibes? Anyone struggling? Loving it? Finding decent ways to cope? Having the telly on all day? Feeling hormonal? Exhausted? Please please please share stories! I have a daughter who turns 2 next month and I’m due 2 weeks late...


Another baby?

My little is 9 months but I'm/we are thinking of baby number 2! Am I nuts? I'm 34 this year so I really don't want to wait too long but I also don't want to rush as I want to enjoy the summer with my first born!


labor prep🫣

hey mamas! how are we feeling in our third trimester (or almost in the third trimester)?! when is everyone planning on starting their labor prep?? i’m planning on starting at 30 weeks like i did with my son, i swear the dates helped me have a quick delivery with my son. only took 15 minutes and i also started at 30 ...


2 and a half months postpartum started periods 2 times in a month?

Is this normal? I started my periods again after around 2 weeks


Our Story! 🩵

🩵His name: John 🩵Hormone drip: No 🩵Episiotomy cut: No 🩵Epidural/spinal: Yes (x2 and still didn’t work!) 🩵Gas & Air: No 🩵Induced: Yes (cervical balloon) 🩵C-section: No 🩵Knew sex beforehand: Yes, boy 🩵Hours in Labour: 26 hours 🩵Due date: December 2nd 🩵Birth date: November 13th 🩵Morning sickness:…


Thoughts on baby no2 timings

Just interested in what others would do…. Our LG is 18 months now and we’re keen to try for another in the next year. We get married in July this year and we have a big holiday to Florida in May/June 2026 so these key dates are a factor in our decision on when to try…. Would you… Start trying just before July a...


Pregnant again

I’ve just found out I’m pregnant again - thrilled but anxious! What’s it like with two!? 😂😩😂😩😂 age gap will be 3 years and 2 months


Today is the day!

Today is the day I get to meet my baby boy, just waiting to have my c section 😊!


Boy Mama!!! 💙

We had to have a scan yesterday for other reasons but we also found out we're having another boy 🥹💙 Can't wait for my little boy to meet his little brother and start the chaotic life of 2 crazy boys!!!


Pregnant again

Are any of you from October 2024 babies pregnant again?/ are you planning to be pregnant again soon? Is it safe to have another baby back to back and not wait at least two years like I got told at the WIC office.


Baby #2

Anyone pregnant with baby #2 ?currently 5 weeks and I am exhausted. Anyone with babies close in age how was the transition from 1 to 2 ?


Toddler and newborn?

Anyone else in here have a newborn along with your toddler? Today was just a struggle. How are you other newborn moms doing??


Babe #2

I just had my 37 week appointment! I can finally jump on that trend where mamas say “pack your bags” 🤣 I decided I would go ahead and have them check my cervix after they measured my belly! My belly is measuring 39 weeks, I am 2 cm dilated, almost fully effaced and they felt babies head! 😬🫣 they think I could…



Just had my baby feb 16th at 29+4 due to frequent decels. He weighed 3 lbs 2 oz. We already had our first big scare (pericardial effusion) and they had to do a chest tap but he’s responded well since then & I am beyond grateful for that. It’s a hard road but I look forward to being on the other side of it. We lost o...


Been given a date for my c-section!!

Ahhh. So I know when I'm going to have baby boy!! 4th April. The countdown is on. As I had a csection the first time I was given a choice between natural and csection. I have decided to have a csection again and this is the date given. Everything feels so real now. I need to get everything ready!!! Anyone el...


Reduced Excitement?

In the beginning, everyone was so excited. Calls, messages like"How are you feeling? Have you had a scan? What are you craving?" It felt like I had a whole support system cheering me on. But lately? Silence. It’s like people think pregnancy is only interesting in the first few months. Now, I bring up baby stuff, an...


Dreading the sickness?

Hey guys. Is anyone else dreading being sick with baby number 2? I'm worried about dropping my son off at his Childminder and having days off with him. Sounds horrible but I was so bad last time 🙈


L&D notes

Anyone else keeps notes while in labor or is it just me? 🤣 I can’t wait to see how it turns out this time with my last 🫶🏽


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