Community Posts, Tips & Support on First Trimester

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on First Trimester.

Dye stealer

Finally got my dye stealer at 4 weeks 3 days pregnant! I am an excessive tester and can’t stop like with my daughter. When I don’t have too many symptoms the testing helps ease my anxiety a little bit. Anyone else?🥹 I am SO EXCITED to be pregnant again!!!! What are everyone’s due dates? Mine is April 27th!! I…


4 dpo

Whyyyyy is it so hard to wait 🤣 two weeks seems to fly by in general, I mean we are nearly in September!!


My water just broke 🤗

Hi Ladies, my water broke this morning 🤗 2 days after my due date and wowzas it was like Niagra Falls! Been to the hospital and they sent me home for labour to start. How long did everyone deliver after your waters breaking? I can hardly wait! Xx


I am pregnant AGAIN!

Hi friends! Just found out I am pregnant AGAIN! My baby is now 7 months. I have no idea what to expect or what to even do. What’s some experienced mamas advice!?! I am excited they are close in age but also terrified of caring for a 1 year old while pregnant!!


39 Weeks Today 😩

Wow, finally full term. Still kind of in denial; no signs of labor in sight 🥲hoping he comes sometime this week into next week. Officially due the 29th. Bouncing on this ball EVERY DAY & hoping for something besides pressure & the occasional braxton hicks. I’ll be super disappointed if this little dude comes…


Here we go again

First day of stims and feeling all the emotions. Is anyone on a similar timeline to me?! Sending you all baby dust ✨



Why am I still pregnant! 🙄😂 I feel so deflated and annoyed like I know “she’ll come when she’s ready” but I’ve been ready and she’s late ! My son was 6 days early! 👶🏽 Some have words with the baby in my belly and explain to her that her mum is tired or receiving “is she here yet” texts. Good news is my iron…


Fed up now

So my best friend just had her baby last night (39+6) and my sister is in labour now (40w today). I’ve told them both I’m so jealous. I’m just wanting it to be over already 😂 I hate being pregnant. It sucksssss. But I’m in for a growth scan today as she’s gone from the 80th centile to the 50th. I don’t really pay…


Baby scan

Found out I’m having a baby boy!!! Super super excited any other boy mamas?! 🩵🩵🩵


Anybody else feel this way ?

Does anyone else have the overwhelming feeling that their baby will be here soon? I don’t rly know how to describe the feeling other than my body is def in preparation and I feel like it’ll be sooner rather than later based off the way my body is being . Or maybe I’m just delusional , idk is it normal to get this in...


Early days but anyone thinking of having a babymoon?

We definitely are but need some inspo! For our first we went to Mauritius ☀️


2nd baby-lil gremlin or no??

Hi guys! Those who have had their second. Was your second just as easy as your first or much more to handle? 😂 my mom always said I was the easy baby then came my sister who was way more needy, more difficult times of crying more & overall became the devil child. 😂 I’m so nervous w my second girl because my first…


Just found out yesterday

I’m nervous but also super excited! My first appointment isn’t until sept


Are you pregnant too?

I’m due with baby #2 January 2nd!! (This is two days before my toddler’s birthday. Anyone else in the same boat!?


Two periods in one month normal postpartum?

Gave birth 6/5. Didn't stop bleeding until about 5 & 1/2 weeks postpartum. Then got my first period 8/5 and now started another period yesterday, two periods in one month?! Damn I am over this, lol. Anyone else had this happen?


Whats the earliest you knew you were pregnant?

Whats in the tittle really. We have just started trying for a baby and i am of course over thinking everything that i feel 😂 so just thought id start a question on whats the earliest you actually knew?



Hey guys! I’m 37+5 today due 5th September, just wondering if anyone had any signs labour is coming?


Finally in the 10 week countdown 🥳

Us end of October moms are getting so close to the end. I have 6 weeks to get everything done and 8 until my parents are here to watch my oldest for labor and lighten my load.


When does the second trimester start?

I'm in my 12th week which means next week I'll be in the second trimester right? Google keeps saying week 14 and week 13. I'm so confused


Who has left their baby overnight??

Hi everyone- my baby is about 7 months old and my partner and I are planning on leaving her with grandma for one night to celebrate our anniversary/ our birthdays. We’re really excited to spend time alone together but of course I’m freaking the F out!!!! She’s breastfed so I think that is making my anxiety worse. W...


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