Community Posts, Tips & Support on First Trimester

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on First Trimester.

Has anyone gone back to work yet? 😢

Please tell me it’s not as bad as it seems 😂 I’m due back early September and I’m feeling super anxious about it. I know my little boy will be fine but I’m feeling sad that I won’t see him half as much and I can’t imagine getting back into that routine!


Pregnancy dragging

Anyone else feel like their pregnancy is going soooo slowly. I found out I was pregnant at 2 weeks and now 24 weeks . December can’t come quick enough 😭😭😭😂😂


Can you mamas help me out

I’m expecting my second child. But I had sex with 2 different partners around the same time. One partner was protected ofc he never finished and that was the 26th of July but then I had sex with my baby father completely unprotected on the 28th. The conception calculator states that I conceived on the 28th of July.....


First vs second pregnancy

Can you compare your pregnancies? I am terrified that pregnancy number 2 would be so much hated than the first.


Stupid question

I have a VERY stupid question… Honestly forgive me because this is so dumb, but I gave birth to my daughter on 26th June, so technically she’ll be 8 weeks (2 months) on 21st August because it’ll have been 8 weeks since the day I gave birth to her…BUT, would she not be 2 months old on 26th August? I’m SO confused.



Hello everybody this is my first post! I was just coming to you guys to ask how should I announce that I’m pregnant and when..? I’m 18. Not married. I’m 5 weeks and have an ultrasound soon. Should I wait and get pictures and then do a picture? Or wait till I’m more far along? I don’t live with my parents. Thanks!


Who's over 41 weeks and still waiting?

I'm 41w4d today and still waiting for little one to arrive... feels like it's taking an age... we're beginning to step up monitoring, but I really don't want interventions if I can possibly help it (baby is still happy and having a scan in next couple of days to check everything's still good placenta wise etc). Thou...


Anyone else thinking of having another baby already?

Not me haha! But when they are being so cute I think should I try and get pregnant again next year 🤣🤷🏽‍♀️ so they will be close in age. My baby boy is two months! But then I think I am about 3 stone heavier then I should be and it’s not a good idea 🤣🤦🏽‍♀️



I found out 2 weeks ago I’m pregnant with my second, my little boy will be 15 months next week… does anyone feel more anxious the second time round? And super guilty! This one was a surprise so still getting my head round it! But I want to be excited but there’s so much I feel guilty about 😮‍💨 then I feel guilty…


How did/are you going to tell your partner yall are expecting?

I have no idea how to tell my partner we're expecting again. We have a 10 month old, and we weren't planning on trying again until at the earliest February next year...


When did you all slow down/stop going out?!

I’m having baby via CS in 2 weeks and just wondering when I should hibernate!! Last baby was lockdown.. came 37 wks. I have booked cinema fri but wondering if I should be chilling



i am supposed to be due Aug 22nd I’ve done everything to try to induce myself at home so now im just anxiously up late at night because im just soo tired of being pregnant


28 years old today

Pregnant asf and not due till 08/30 and my birthday today and the funny part is I was born on this specific day


Pregnant with Number 2! 🌟

Hello! Found out on Sunday that I’m pregnant! Very early days; my period isn’t due until this Friday. So I’m technically only 3 weeks, 4 days. And I found out 3 weeks, 2 days! Just wanted to share with someone! 🥹 I can’t believe it!


Expecting Baby #3 ( December baby again)

My baby will be 2 yrs by the 10th, I'm kind of nervous I'll basically have two babies 😱🙈, please share some encouragement 🙏🏽


August baby 🩵

So I got the news today that baby is in the 2%. He was just in the 3%tile 3 weeks ago but just isn’t growing enough.. I’ve had some issues with my BP so I’ll be having a baby next week 🙃🙃 am I ready? I’m not sure.. am I scared? AF!! Am I excited???? Absolutely!! I can’t wait to see my baby. I’m just so scared about…


Just did my NIPT test! 😇

10 weeks and 5 days! While I was there for bloodwork, my OB wasn’t busy so she was like “let’s just have a full appointment!” And she let me hear babies heartbeat again, 170 ♥️ Soooo much higher than my sons ever was! Strong little baby in there 🥰♥️🙏🏻



35+4 and not had baby ‘drop’ yet. Last midwife appt said baby was still free and not engaged at all. Anyone else still not engaged? Seeing lots about how much pressure people are feeling etc and getting down that it doesn’t seem anything is happening for me yet…


6 weeks PP

Gosh…I love my daughter so much and the time is flying by. I actually adore being a mom and having a little baby to take care of. My body feels like my own again and although nursing has been a challenging journey, it seems I may have begun to find my way. 🥰


Anyone else going to have 2 under 2? How are you feeling about it?

When this baby is born I will also have an 18 month old. This was planned and we wanted a small age gap but looking after my little one while tired and nauseous is making me worry about how difficult it will be when the next one arrives 😅


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