Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on First Trimester.
How soon after your first did you have a 2nd baby. I would like to have a second but so bloody terrified. Please tell me positives that can come from having a second! 🙏🏻
I feel everyone gave birth already but not me 😂 Give me this raspberries leave tea! 🧉
What week does colostrum happen if this your first pregnancy
Has anyone else hit 41 weeks and thinks that they wouldn’t make it this far?🤣 I’ve been booked in for an induction next Friday if baby doesn’t decide to make a show by then, I am so exhausted of this now
Has anyone else felt left out because you’re pregnant? I had a group of friends and just found out today (because I asked 2 of them what they are doing) that they are all going out to a Christmas market. I’ve been feeling slowly pushed out since early pregnancy now. I’m Really upset about it, these were my close fri...
Has anyone started to plan a babymoon? Where are you all going? ☺️ I’m desperate for some sunshine thinking around end of Jan into Feb, I’ll be about 23-24 weeks then which seems about the right time, but I feel so limited with where we can go due to Zika risk. Been considering Dubai, it’s not my usual holiday typ...
Any other July baby mommas out there in the same boat as me and want to have a dozen more babies ☺️😍. I have never been more in love.
• Age I got pregnant: 20 • Age I gave birth: 21 • How far along when I found out: 4 weeks • Morning sickness: maybe once • Cravings: chips and everything spicy • Due date: 7/22/24 • Birth date: 7/18/2024 • Hours in labor: 2.5-3 hours • Who was there: my bf and mom • Pain relief: the epidural but that was it •...
My husband travels for work and comes home tomorrow for a week. We were trying for a baby before he left and now I’m 8 weeks. I wanted to wait to tell him in person, but I know he’ll be excited. We have an almost 8 month old so I was thinking of putting “Soon to be big brother - coming July 2025” on my felt board wi...
Hi all, I used to have a period every month before my son. now I’m having a period every 2 weeks is this normal ? My son is 1 next month! I had a C Section
Just found out I'm pregnant with baby #2. I'm excited and nervous and scared all at the same time. How did others feel when they found out about baby #2?
Hey all happy to report exactly a week ago (at 31 weeks) baby girl came along. And its been a week of having her in NicU and she's perfect! Very advanced and thank God healthy and happy. She's breathing on her own and has been able to start breastfeeding! It's been tricky as she's so small but everyday we're closer ...
This is my second pregnancy and I’m an EMOTIONAL WRECK about my first baby! He’s nearly 2 and I keep bursting into tears thinking about how much I love him, mixed feelings of picturing him being a big brother and how lovely this will be and feeling guilty that he has to share us! Just can’t stop crying! Does anyone ...
I’ll go first. Burping and winding. It’s consumes my days and I never expected this or was told my mum friends that this would be such a huge part of new baby life! Crazy. 🤪 💨
is anybody pregnant again? im just nosey lmao
7 weeks pregnant and hcg came back 61,085 then 48 hours came back 65,257.. has anybody experienced rising but not doubling what was the outcome? Preparing for the worst 😔
Excited to meet you all and see I’m not the only eager mom-to-be on here - just tested positive and happy to be expecting my 2nd! 😊When did you all find out, do you know your due date yet, and are you feeling any symptoms?
Anyone else pregnant again? I just found out and I’m freaking terrified 😭😭😭
How’re you feeling? What’s your due date? I’m 39w + 3d and I’m just surviving at this point. So done and fells like my body doesn’t have more energy left. Zero signs of labor! 😩
I’m interested in the results of this as I’ve had a couple of losses so haven’t bought anything and I’m 18w4, but know it’s due to being anxious!