Community Posts, Tips & Support on First Trimester

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on First Trimester.

👋🏼 hey mamas!

Excited to meet you all and see I’m not the only eager mom-to-be on here - just tested positive and happy to be expecting my 2nd! 😊When did you all find out, do you know your due date yet, and are you feeling any symptoms?


Pregnant again

Anyone else pregnant again? I just found out and I’m freaking terrified 😭😭😭


Mamas that haven’t given birth yet!

How’re you feeling? What’s your due date? I’m 39w + 3d and I’m just surviving at this point. So done and fells like my body doesn’t have more energy left. Zero signs of labor! 😩


When did you start buying baby items?

I’m interested in the results of this as I’ve had a couple of losses so haven’t bought anything and I’m 18w4, but know it’s due to being anxious!


How did you know when you were ready for another one?

FTM of a beautiful 10 month old baby boy. Husband and I have always said we wanted two children... Intrigued to know how people knew they were ready for baby number two? I'm besotted with my baby boy and can't bare the thought of him feeling like he's not got my full attention. I'm also very much the default parent...


Anyone else still pregnant here?

Okay I’m only 39+1 but I don’t know what else to do for this baby to come out naturally 😭 I think stressing doesn’t help but God knows I don’t want a sweep or anything like that! It’s my second time round, first time was induced due to reduced moments but this time things are going well 🙏🏾 just not sure what to do!


Officially in the second trimester!!

13 weeks and 3 days! Due May 26th!!


2 under 2!

Just found out I’m pregnant with baby #2! We weren’t trying, and freaking out bc my son isn’t even 1 yet 😳 So they’ll be 18 months apart. Anyone else in this boat?? Ps I’m very excited but trying to wrap my head around 2 under 2!


2 under 2

Recently found out I’m pregnant with baby number 2 😬 My LB will be 1 in Jan and I am crapping myself 😂 anyone else in the same kinda situation?


Baby no. 2 🫣

So I’ve just found out I’m pregnant again, my son will be 2 in January and I’m freaking out a little. Me and my partner have spoken about having another but I never in a million years thought it would happen so quickly, I’ll only be around 4 weeks and I remember those first 12 weeks all too well 🥲 anybody else…


Feeling myself.

When do y’all start feeling like yourselves again after having a baby? I’m 8.5 months out and I still don’t recognize myself.


Anyone else 2 under 2?

i posted in the july page as well since i’m technically due july 11 BUTTTT i had my daughter two weeks early so it’s possible i could be having a june baby, hope that’s okay to be apart of both. Anyways, i just got to see my second blessing for the first time and now im nervous about being a mom to 2 under 2. i just...



I’m expecting my 3rd July 2025. I have 2 boys already any guesses on what this baby will be???


So strong! 💪🏽

My bubbie has started trying to sit by herself and roll over (not fully got the hang of it yet) but I’m so in awe. Feels like I had her yesterday and I cant believe it all. Anyone else’s baby doing the same? Also discovered that if i put her on her tummy in the bath she swims! 😭🤣 like fully kicks and moves her…



I’m having my caesarean tomorrow afternoon for breech baby. Bang on 39 weeks! So so excited but I can feel the nerves are starting to creep in now too! 😬🤗


C section date

Finally got given my c section date today im 38+5 and it’s the day before my due date at 39+6 on the 28th November next Thursday 😂 I had to laugh when they told me, it’s my second baby so who knows what will happen but nice to be booked in I guess 🤣 x


I’m back!

I’ve created this group, and shortly after I left, as I’ve had a chemical pregnancy. Here I am again, hopeful! Due date is 1st of August (maybe July?🤔😁), currently 12 DPO (3+5 weeks), and my period is due tomorrow. After two chemicals in three months, I really hope this baby is healthy.🙏 Double…


37+5 grumpy

So hard to do everything! I just want to meet my baby and recover my sense of self 🙁 not enjoying these last weeks at all!


Meet my baby girl 🎀

She came 5 days early …on 11/16/2024 @ 10:40 🥰 I am now a new mama now . I still can’t believe she is here & how she used to be in my belly . The love I have for her is so strong!!!! I’m proud of myself & I am amazed what our bodies are capable of doing . I’m also grateful for the ladies on here that did message me…


Let’s reminisce together. Share your funny pregnancy stories.

I just saw the ‘July babies 2025’ group. It made me think about my pregnancy and some of the funny stories (that weren’t so funny at the time.) I thought this would be something fun to type and read during the night feeds. Especially for those experiencing sleep regression and/or those of us that are feeling poorly...


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