Community Posts, Tips & Support on First Trimester

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on First Trimester.

Born at 34 weeks exactly

No NICU stay at 34 weeks ! We are beyond shocked and happy! Girls are progressing well and hopefully we will be home in next few days !


Teat Size 2?

How do you know when it’s time to go up a teat size? My little boy is 8 weeks and has been on size 1 since about 3 weeks old. Is anyone on size 2 or is it too soon? x


37 weeks today

Sooo ready to meet my boy now! 3 weeks to go, it’s getting closer & closer to all of us having our beautiful babies. I wanted to wish everyone luck and a happy and safe delivery💙💗


2 under 2 ish

Hello all ! I found out I was expecting TODAY lol my last cycle started July 9th so I’m probably right at 4 weeks. Anyway, my oldest will be 26 months when I give birth. I am so nervous. Any tips or tricks surviving pregnancy and newborn time with a wild toddler ?!


sharing the news

how long will everyone wait to share your pregnancy with family and friends? I'm debating on actually waiting the 12 weeks because it's kinda nice to have the secret between my husband and I but then I'm also an oversharer lol I don't know how long I'll be able to wait


Omg !!!!! Just found out we’re pregnant!!

Just found out we’re pregnant with baby number 2 wasn’t expecting a positive test tonight!! What happens next I’ve completely forgot 😂😂



I just got my sneak peek results today! I’m 9 weeks and 4 days, and I’m having a little baby boy!!!!!! 💙💙💙 can’t wait for my 13 week appt to hear heartbeat in September Makes the sickness feel a little better haha



Anyone considering baby number 3? Or am I crazy?!!


Birthing plans!

Hey ladies! I’m due in six weeks with my first daughter & I am putting together a birthing plan.. For those of you who had birthing plans, did it go to plan?😆 && is there anything you think I should consider putting on there that may help me🤷🏻‍♀️ Time is fast approaching😱so checklists have officially come…


Anyone currently pregnant? 🤰

Wondering if anyone in this group is expecting again


A year since I found out

I can't believe it has been a whole year since I found out I was expecting my little girl and now she is going to be 4 months next week! How far along were you when you found out? I was 3w5d


Oh No….

Oh Jesus help me…I’m pregnant 🤰 again


I'm pregnant again!

I'm so excited, but also hungry all of the time, and tired all of the time. It feels like I've forgotten what being pregnant was like, is anyone else here expecting? :)


2nd baby!

Has anyone had a second baby or pregnant at the moment? Really debating if the time is right or not? My boys 19 months soon, I’ve finally settled at work and got a promotion but I am desperate to have another. Questioning if I will be able to cope as I still have hard days (don’t we all). What age gap do we all thin...


Just found out I am pregnant again!

Is anyone else in the same boat.. or has anyone else been through having 2 under 2!?


39 weeks

Anyone else find this last week they have just become an emotional mess? I don't like 39 weeks pregnant me 😂 or anyone else this week actually.


Are you ready yet?

I’m due 4th September, so 37 weeks this coming Wednesday. I’m wondering if you ladies have packed your hospital bags / put things in place ready for babies arrival yet? Have felt chilled and like I still have so much time left so don’t want to do it too soon, but today I’m feeling overwhelmed and emotional that stuf...


Baby has arrived ❤️

my son was finally born on 8/6! he was due on the 21st, but life had other plans. i had to be induced due to my blood pressure and ended up needing an emergency c-section. it was a terrifying ordeal for me but i am thankful regardless that I was able to safely deliver my baby boy 🥰 he is perfect in every single way!


Can't believe it

I can't believe how fast this pregnancy has went! Already down to 92 days left! 😲


To uplift spirits ❤️

Hello girls, just wanted to say you’re all doing amazing and if you’re feeling fed up of waiting that was me three days ago. I soon realised I was about to give birth to a 9.7 pound baby (thank god for elective c-section) and my whole world feels complete. I’m so excited for all of you to have this feeling and if an...


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