Community Posts, Tips & Support on First Trimester

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on First Trimester.

So exciting

First midwife appointment ✔️ 12 week scan booked in for 3 weeks today ✔️ This is so nerve wracking but so exciting especially after a MC!! Baby dust to you all🥹🤍✨


Trying for baby #2

I need all you ladies advice and tips and tricks on trying for baby #2! Thought for sure was pregnant last cycle but wasn’t; hoping this cycle is the one! Any advice!? Also any advice on handling 2 under 2!? My son is currently 10 months old!


Almost Time To Meet My Girl😍

Car seat & stroller are here & the nesting has begun… 34 weeks this wknd but since I’m on high risk of pre term labor, doc said she can come any day now… time to pack my hospital bag and wash all her clothes 🫶🏾 I’m grateful for the experience but so ready to wrap this up !! lol


Water just broke

In active labor you guyyyssss!!!!! My water broke at 3:25 am . Otw to the hospital 😩😭 nervous but super excited to meet my girl!


Anyone had their baby yet?

If so I’m jealous. I’m just sat on my couch waiting for labour to start because I just want it to happen already.


Help please.

I am 6 months postpartum. I have had my period twice the first one lasted 10 days. My current one is now going on 14 days. I have never had this issue with my last 3 kids. I am curious if anyone has ever had this happen to them. I have already called my OB and left a message.


So ready to give birth

My pregnancy has been a rollercoaster I’m so ready to meet my baby I’m about to be 37 weeks time is going by so fast yet so slow it feels like he’s never coming out 😭 I don’t want to reach my due date and then have to wait even longer for an induction I’m just ready to meet my baby and not be pregnant anymore I’ve…



Anybody else expecting another July baby? Just found out i am pregnant. Anxious as had 2 loses already recently 🙈


Birthday surprise

I’m five months postpartum and I just found out today I’m pregnant….


Time for a sibling?

Any other moms of April 23 babies thinking it’s time for the next one? I’ve always thought I would wait a little longer but I think we feel like it’s a good time and I obviously just have so many thoughts going through my head 😂



Ladies, at what point are we setting everything up - ie Moses basket, next to me, car seat etc? I am 34 weeks and people are starting to say it should already be up! Thoughts…..


Post due date

41+3 today and still going strong. Actually really surprised I've made it this far. This baby is either determined to be a Halloween baby or a November baby I think. Anyone else still hanging on and how are we all feeling?


In honor of Halloween Coming up 🎃

Full term 37 weeks this Thursday . I don’t know how I would of survived this pregnancy without a really supportive partner & a positive out look on things & to move forward for the future . I wanna be the best mom I can be soon 💕


2 under 2

Hi there, My baby girl is 10 months and I’m currently 9 weeks pregnant. What is two under two like? Should I be preparing for the worst lol.


How did you tell you parents you were pregnant?

Hi all! Just curious about your stories, I'm 19 and 11weeks pregnant. I am not in a position in which I'll need to rely on my parents for financial help, but I do value telling them they're going to be grandparents! I'm curious how you all did it!



My due date was October 27th but I’ve been expecting the baby to come since I was 36 weeks. Part of me wants baby to be here, I’m tired of being pregnant, I want to get this party started. But the other half of me is lowkey not wanting the baby to come yet. I don’t feel ready. Anybody else feel like this?


Think I’m 3 weeks pregnant after MC

Think I got my dye stealer today I’m still so shocked that I am pregnant again after my MC but I’m excited hoping this one sticks my little rainbow baby 🌈❤️


Second baby & clothes not fitting already

Anyone else pregnant with their second and bump already feels like it’s showing? My jeans no longer fit me 😅. Feel like I’m the same as I was at 15 weeks with my first and I’m only 6 weeks! Anyone else noticed the same?


GD in second pregnancy

Hey.. I had GD when I was pregnant with my first and am now pregnant again. Does anyone know when they’ll test me ? UK I know it’s earlier but not sure when


2 under 3

It’s just hit me that I’ll have 2 under 2 for about a week if baby comes around their due date. I’ve just sat down and thought what on earth am I doing 😂 anyone else going to be in the same boat?


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