Community Posts, Tips & Support on Second Trimester

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Second Trimester.

Second time mamas?

Were you just SO much more uncomfortable the second time around? I feel like baby is much bigger/heavier than I’d remembered the first time and I’m as uncomfortable as I remembered being towards the end with baby no. 1 - I’m only 21 weeks!! 😩


How are we keeping healthy?

I’m under 7wks or so and just wondering how most of us will keep healthy throughout the winter months during pregnancy. I’ve been googling different things I can and shouldn’t really eat and what I’m loving at the minute is flavoured yoghurts but I know the sugar in them can cause unhealthy excess weight in pregnan...


Baby birthday

Heymoms, my baby was born on the 11th on a Monday. Was wondering does he turn a week on the 11th of every month or does he turn a week on every Monday?


True baby age

Are we all tracking our baby’s age by every week since they were born but also saying they are X months old when it’s the date of their actual birthday? So technically my baby will be 12 weeks next Saturday but won’t truly be 3 months until 21st Dec. Also when we’re talking about leaps and milestones is that ass...


Just a moan and vent.

Third trimester truly sucks. Not sleeping at night, if I am sleeping it is sitting up with pillows propped. The whole night it's being awake every 20 minutes switching from sitting to laying on the left to sitting to laying on the left. Don't forget peeing every time you wake up. Oh and the cherry on top malten lav...


Anterior placenta

Please share your stories with an anterior placenta! I’m 21 weeks and have felt the occasionally poke (very faint) when home from work laying down. Doesnt have a pattern yet. Does it get more regular??? Does it get stronger??? Panicked x


2nd trimester sickness

Whoever said the 2nd trimester was easier is a big liar, had a violent craving for a bacon and egg sandwich and it was amazing I was so happy. Cut to an hour later and I'm fighting between throwing up in the toilet and almost shitting myself at the same time 😭🤣


Bigger baby panic

Any advice or support right now would be very helpful. Full panic mode. Had my last scan this week and baby is measuring bigger than he should and I’m having to have a gestational diabetes check. This is fine I’m not bothered about that. However I did google (I know I shouldn’t) what it might mean to have a bigger b...


Weight gain

Any other moms who have EBF their baby gain more weight than when you were pregnant? I am at the heaviest I’ve ever been. I thought BF would make me lose pregnancy weight but I’ve just kept gaining. I wasn’t even this heavy when I was pregnant. Im starting to wean my baby off and get him on formula now. Don’t kn...


10 DPO - should I test?

I have a 6 day early test. Will this work?


Am I overthinking?

Hey guys so I’m 36 weeks pregnant today, this pregnancy has been beyond hard, painful and has landed me in the hospital a few times needing IV bags and monitoring. For the past week and a half my blood pressure has been constantly in the 132/96 range and I take pictures for proof but every time I go to my OB with my...


Tiredness/Feeling drained 24/7

Hi girls, so I had my little girl in September last year & the past couple months I have been feeling under the weather just so drained 24/7 I feel so guilty sometimes as I can’t do as much as I would like to with her, most days we just stay in the house all day. I’m not sure if it’s possibly my bloods as when I was...


38 weeks plus 3…. So restless and uncomfortable tonight. Can’t get comfy and feel irritable, is this normal?

Also feeling a bit sick and have what feels like Tummy ache 😣



Anyone else feeling uncomfortable pressure lower down now?! I’m 34 weeks and last few days every time baby moves the pressure in my pelvis is insanely uncomfortable 😣 my midwife has put on my notes that he’s 4/5 engaged so still a while to go and I’m so worried about how it’s going to feel as he gets lower! 🙈



Do you still get scared of labour ?


Blood pressure

Have you all noticed lower blood pressure since being pregnant? For example 106/65


High blood pressure in hospital

Has any once else experienced high blood pressure but only when in the hospital for appointments? I went for my 25 week appointment on Wednesday and my blood pressure was high on multiple readings (158/90) so I was sent to triage for further monitoring. Whilst there and lay on the bed it started high but did come ...


Any first time moms having a hard time envisioning their baby at home?

I don’t know if it’s my anxiety or just because it’s something I’ve never done before, but I’m having a hard time picturing my baby coming home. I can’t say definitively if I “have a bad feeling”. For reference, my pregnancy has been healthy and uncomplicated. I’m due in about a week. Just hoping for some comfort ...


Blood pressure 38 weeks + 3

Recently I’ve started monitoring my blood pressure at home as I have swollen legs and just generally feeling ‘fuzzy’ . It’s usually around 110-120/60-70. It’s now 144/85 or roughly around that and doesn’t get any lower. Now I know this still isn’t too alarming I even told my midwife who advised me to not check my ow...


Anyone else really loathe eating out pregnant?

It’s my birthday next week and all I want to do is sit at home, because going out to eat (something I normally absolutely love) has turned into such an area of stress for me. Having to interrogate ingredients, deal with staff who don’t know what pasteurised means (not their fault ofc) and double check they’ve given ...


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