Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Baby Showers.
Kingston Born 12/22/24 Due date 01/04/25
Hey mamas does anyone know where I can get an affordable custom made cake in Nottingham something like on the picture there xx
My baby is one tomorrow, is anyone else so emotional that are babies are no longer babies 😭
Curious to know what you are planning or what you did for your little one’s first birthdays? Originally I was thinking of a sit down meal with close family and friends and their children but now I feel guilty that it wont feel like a party? I don’t know what to do but I also don’t want to spend a fortune. All idea...
This is my year to enjoy myself after just coming out of a horrible marriage . I’m thinking of what to do for my birthday this year . I’ve never left the state of Texas , and I have someone to watch baby if I decide to travel and go somewhere . Any ideas or fun things I can do solo ?
How are we already having month old babies😭
There’s a lot about those who do feel emotional but is it bad if I don’t? It’s not because I haven’t loved Motherhood until this point but it’s more I’m so excited for everything to come. It’s been challenging up until this point but I feel more proud of myself than anything. I did it! I got through colic and the ...
Penelope born on Sunday evening at 7lb 3oz, 19 inches— my original due date was the 13th. We were able to go home with her today! Sending love to all January mamas here. ❤️ I know when I am tired, up late at night with my newborn baby and the world is quiet, I know you are right there too!
In addition to celebrating your babies first birthday will you be doing something to celebrate making it through the first year?
We are thinking of a Ms Rachel themed birthday party this year for baby girl. She loves Ms Rachel. Do your kids?
Hello July mamas! Anyone’s LO hit 6M already 😭💕 how are we feeling about it are we okay 😭😭😭lol and when do we start planning the first birthday?😅
This is my 5th baby she’s 5 months now and is Chinese/English and Caribbean
I just caught her trying to eat her tag again. This is the third we've gone through in 4 years. She's an escape artist so we need to have our number on her.
Anyone got any ideas for presents for first birthday, but they’re the 2nd child? We’ve got all the usual big ticket items from my first child (toy kitchen, ride along car, pickler triangle) and I don’t really have the space for duplicates etc. I’m just at a total mind block of what toys would be good? Any ideas wo...
My baby boy is gonna be 1 in 5 hours 🥹
How tall is your two year old?!
hey ladies 🥰 I’m thinking about hosting a fun Galentine’s party just for us moms ! whether you’re a new mom , expecting , trying to convince, or have a little toddler in tow , whether you’re 21 or 40… come as you are because everyone is invited and celebrated ! Here’s what I’m imagining: - A mix of alcoholic and…
Anyone else find it weird when people ask 'is she good'.. Like yeah of course she's good, she's a baby!..
Little girl was born mid October and I’m now thinking of doing a KIT day a month at work. Is this too soon to leave little one?
How have we entered the year they turn 2?! Let's share our cheeky little 'toddlers' Here's my little one playing in the snow then other day.