Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Baby Showers.
A leap maybe 🤔 I don’t have the app. Cluster feeding and can’t be set down without crying I’m tired and feel bad for him!
Hey mamas! My little girls first birthday is coming up end of February and I would rather not host it at home. Does anyone know of some good spots in the valley for a 1st birthday that won’t break the bank?? End of February might be chilly, so I’m thinking a park may be too cold.
Baby Enzo arrived on the 5th January 2025, at 39 + 2 weeks, via c-section. He weighed a perfect 7.1 lbs, which coincidentally is the same weight my daughter was at birth! His gender was a surprise! And it truly was the best surprise the universe could give! I had a non-hormonal induction that failed to progress...
Our birthdays are close together (his is march 10th, mine is march 20th) and he’s said he has big plans for my birthday so now I’m stuck on what to do for him. He said it’s no competition (obviously 😂) at the same time I don’t want him to be underwhelmed He wouldn’t be interested in a sports game, he doesn’t want…
Is anyone else feeling emotional about how fast time is going?! How is my little girl almost 3!!
Baby boy is finally here, one day before his due date after an induction at 39 + 3. It was long and quite mentally taxing, but so worth it because he is just perfection 🥰
Hi girlys, My family and I are planning a weekend holiday UK based. But not sure where to look. There’s 8 of us, 2 of them being 1 year olds. Can any one suggest anywhere for those ages and is a bit budget friendly? Ideally with an indoor pool
Trying to plan my babies first birthday and nothing is going right. Can’t find a place to host it my parents can’t host it and neither can my husbands parents. Can’t find a cake. Practically everyone we want to invite can’t make it. My husband just got fired from his job on Christmas Day. I’m working crazy hours to ...
Hi Ladies, As we're approaching to have our little ones 1st birthday, what idea do you recommend for their 1st birthday 🎂🎈 Thanks xx
What's everyone doing for their babies first birthday if it falls midweek? Originally I assumed we would just have family at home, but Los birthday so a Wednesday and now I'm not sure if we should do something just us on his actually births ya and then do something with family on the weekend 🤔
Has anyone done the birthday build a bear where you pay your child’s age for a birthday bear?? My little one is one this week and I’m wondering if all stores offer it as we’re going to London to celebrate 🥳
Long story short my fiancé is leaving for the military soon. 8 days to be exact. We have two kids: one together (1 yr) and a son (4 yr). They are exactly 3 yrs and 5 days apart. With that being said we are doing a joint birthday for the kids because he leaves for boot camp the day before our daughter’s birthday. M...
Does anyone know of any theme parks or places that have a few rides that are open in January? Its my little girls birthday at the end of this month and i want to take her somewhere for her birthday but everywhere i can think of/find is closed 😭
Idk about yall but I’m excited for this snow! I can’t wait for my baby girl to wake up so we can get all suited up and go outside for a few mins. My inner child is excited frr. I can’t wait to show her all the things. Tv and iPads are cool but let me show you how to build a snowman⛄️…just me? 👀 oh ok😅
What did everyone get their older baby off their new baby to help with the transition, I’m due in 3.5 weeks with our second, my first has just turned 22months and we’re moving house in 3 weeks so there’s gonna be loads of changes at once and I’m worried she’ll resent the new baby 🥺
Bit of a random one but basically I don't have any family at all and my husband has a small family just his parents really. I would like to get my little girl Christened, but we wouldn't have enough people to invite to have a party afterwards really. I've thought maybe a meal with a few close friends and family or...
My water broke on Sunday morning at 1:45 am. Little Miss Sunshine came in at 9:53 pm. Had us worried she wouldn’t make it on her own (had scheduled an induction for the 14th.) But she decided her own birthday would be a day after her due date.
1/1/2025 7 pound 5 🥰
Went into labor at 5:30pm yesterday and had her at 1:59am 6JAN25🥹🩷🩷🩷🩷
Baby turns 1yrs old on the 9th!!. So exciting to have her walk around and try to run already!. Following sisters steps 💕. She started walking at the beggining of 10months 💕