Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Pregnancy Care.
Anyone see what I see or not?
Hi Hope everyone is well! Has anyone had to go and get their blood redone after their initial booking appointment? I got a phone call from my midwife asking me to go in as my bloods need redoing and stupidly didn’t ask why. Just wondering if anyone else has experienced this or if they may know why I’ve been as...
Got my first midwife appt today at 10 weeks, it’s been 3 yrs since I did this before and have forgotten everything 😂 Can anyone tell me what to expect/how long it will take? Thanks!! 🙏
It’s not my first so I don’t really need extra info I’m just bad at remembering how far along I am. What’s a good one to use?
Hi all, if someone could offer some advice or general reassurance I’d greatly appreciate it, first time mum here too. I’m 37+4 week and just had my gestational diabetes test come back as positive, safe to say I’m a bit disappointed and feel like I’ve done something wrong even though I’ve had a pretty easy going unc...
Is gestational diabetes common? Does it go when you have had baby
I feel I see a VERY faint line in both but not sure if it's me with my crazy line eyes as per 😞 9dpo.. 2nd pic in comments
there a faint line? Like a line forming? Or just my eyes 🫣
Hey girls, looking for advice I’m in pain today with my stomach I’m not sure how far pregnant I am so it’s all through the gp, I’m awaiting a call back still in pain and shaking because I don’t know if they are even going to help me. Will they send me to the epu or not as I have another child I have to sort childcar...
Can anyone see anything please.
I feel like I see the faiiiintest shadow of a line. Help me out am I going crazy?
If you had to choose between hiring a birth doula or postpartum doula, what one would you prioritize and why?
My fetal fraction was 19% at 9 weeks. Anyone else like this?
This is stark white right? I’ve been looking at tests for over a year now and I always see shadows
First midwife appointment….how do they contact you to let you know a date and time? Thankyou☺️
Hi I’ve been diagnosed with gestational diabetes I’m 34 weeks pregnant and baby growing to big to quick she’s 5 pound 1 already I’m wondering will they induced me early?
Can someone please confirm that this appointment is at Royal Preston hospital
I’m 12DPO. I saw the faintest line when I tested and it was the same thickness it was meant to be. Now I’ve left it a bit it now looks like this, the lines blue but it’s really thin.
Hey has anyone heard of the purple line to check for dilation - does anybody have any information on it?
I’m pretty sure I’ve gaslit myself thinking I can see a line, when I also don’t think I do, please can someone help