Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Children's Activities.
Does anyone know of an app or something else that can tell you new things to do with your little one? I feel like we do the same things over and over and I’m not that creative 🫣
What are we gettjng our 0-6 month babies for christmas this year?? I’m currently christmas shopping for my (Almost 4 year old) and my (almost 4 month old)…. I don’t want to just buy him toys… i want to get him something useful and or exciting for him! i know that’s difficult to do since he’s so young…(4 month old)
I’ve got a 2 year old boy who very smart he loves doing the toddler puzzles but any other idea on what to get him that would challenge him or some even fun that u may have got ur kids for charismas Also got a 5 month old baby he’ll be 6 months this month but he does not sit up only holds things for a few seconds I...
Any ideas welcome for 9month old 😁
What should I buy my one year old for Christmas? I know family is going to buy him stuff and I don’t have much room at home for an overload of toys. Therefore I want to get him quality stuff that is engaging and will last but I’m so stuck..? What’s everyone else buying for their little ones?
Dobbies in Gosforth doesn’t have much but Azure in Cramlington is a good one! Any other ideas?
Everyone told me not to take my 5 month old on holiday- it would be a night mare etcetc GO ON THAT HOLIDAY. So worth the stress before hand we have had the best time and my daughter has been an angel! Obvs earlier nights than before but take that holiday!!! Make they memories
This year we want to try something new and go out of town just with our lil family
Is it worth it for 17 month olds?
One son has a surgery next week. He will stay in hospital for at least 3 nights. Last time he had a surgery his twin brother was asking where he was and had a hard time sleeping alone. He was also upset that I was gone and he is even more aware now. I’d like to bring him to the hospital with us on the day of the s...
Hey yall ❤️ next week ima be traveling with 2 littles from GA to NY on my own for the holiday(one is going to be 3 and the smallest one is going to be 2 months old). I’ve had experience traveling with an infant and vise versa, but not 2 at the same time. What are some ideas that can be useful to manage the trip bett...
I do allow my little one screen time as he has picked up many words and actions from watching miss rachael. He has around an hour a day sometimes 90 minutes split up during the day. Any ideas for what else to allow him to watch? something that's not as stimulating as cocomelon?
How are you keeping your 4 month olds entertained on days you don't go out the house? We go to baby groups and out shopping and for walks, etc, but some days I don't have a car, so other than a walk (when it's not raining) we can't go out. Now that she's awake most of the day, I'm struggling to keep her entertaine...
My husband is travelling for work and I’m thinking about meeting him over there as I’m feeling really down and just want to be close to him, the flight is 14 hours and it will be the first time alone with my LO… has anyone travelled a similar distance alone? What did you do to cope with the long hours? Did you try a...
Ladies, what are we getting these 14 year olds whose main hobbies are video games? My stepson really only wants an Xbox controller and a gaming laptop. The laptop isn't happening because he has shown he won't take care of it, my husband and I are getting him the controller, but other than that we're lost. He is a ...
My son turned 1 yesterday and I highly recommend getting a backdrop for cake eating if you’re doing cake pictures! We found a cheap one on amazon and steamed it. It turned out perfect!! Wishing you all the best birthdays this month! ♥️😊 ours was little blue truck themed. I put a tablecloth down underneath him…
Hey guys! Need some ideas on what to get my 2 year old little boy, I’m stuck on what to get him! :( x
Best way to keep 3 month old entertained when trying to get washing / cleaning done during the day while partner is at work?
I am not one for staying in but trying to but feel like all we do is watch tv what do you do with your children I have a 2year old and 1year
So this leapstart book on the picture, my little boy turns 2 on the 29th, and I'm not sure if this is for a bit older children or is this suitable for his age, don't want to buy it and it's not use to him, has anyone else bought one before for there child. Also do I need a laptop or somthing to download the stuff on...