Community Posts, Tips & Support on Child Development

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Child Development.

Potty training - first outing

So tomorrow will be day 3 of potty training my little boy and we haven’t left the house over the last few days. He is doing really well and only had 1 accident today which is a massive improvement from yesterday. How did people find it when they first started going out? I plan on only doing a quick trip to the park ...


Free nhs dental care ?

What type of dental care do we acrually get for free. Just check ups or treatment too? And do yoy just show your matb1 ?


Potty training.

When can we start potty training our babies? Our baby is 10 months old and poops twice a day, once in the morning and once in the evening. Can I start potty training him with just making him sit in the toilet set? Or is it too early?


Spider bite, reaction, 2 year old, picture in comments

Idk the kind of spiders that bit her but where I live I guess there's a lot of black widows


Potty trained toddler keeps regressing at nursery ?

My 25 month old does fantastic until she’s at nursery. She’s had a few times where she has been fine but recently she just has accidents all day. I looked it up earlier and apparently it’s common but does anybody have any tips if this is the case😫


What’s wrong with baby and how can I help??

My 19 week old has been extremely fussy, she’s been screeching non stop and it’s not like continuous and isn’t crying, more like moaning super loudly and screaming out. Is she teething? She’s been drooling loads and she’s been wanting to put things in her mouth constantly but she’s been doing that for a while I gues...


Teething fever

How high has your little ones fever reached when teething? Since last night my son has had a fever of 38.9 and Calpol doesn’t seem to be bringing it down. He has all the classic teething symptoms and a couple of new teeth cut through last week so I’m thinking some more are coming through now… he’s never had a fever ...


Potty training????

Who all is starting potty training now or waiting till their little ones can talk?


Teething tantrums ???

Evening My gentle smiley baby is now ratty, wingy, irritable etc etc …. Query due to teething??? Is anyone else having this? I’ve - changed her - distracted her - bathed her - she’s napped well - she’s eaten well Yet we still have a moaning baby currently. Anyone else? How long does “teething” actually last? W...


Fang teeth first?

Took my LO to the doctors today, because he's barely been eating and not his usual self. He has history of weight loss due to a feeding aversion he developed when he was poorly in November. He had to be fed through an NG tube in hospital, and he's only just got back up to 50th Centile since then, so now when his ea...


Random fever

Hi my 20 month old daughter has been getting fevers since yesterday with no other symptoms and once the fever has gone she’s up and playing agin. not sure what’s going on has anyone else been through this ? The only thing I can think of is the obvious is teething and coming down with something


Toilet issues..👀💩

Is anyone else having issues with the toilet? 💩 I don’t remember having this issue with my daughter! Any recommendations to help me go and it not be painful!? ☹️ I’ve got a foot stool for elevation of my legs but it doesn’t help a great deal 😣 I’m 17+1 for reference Thank you ❤️


Teething rash

Advice please. My little girl is 8months old and just cut her 3rd tooth and I'm starting to think this may be more than teething rash. Am I overthinking it?


Teething rash or something else

Advice please. My little girl is 8 months old and has just cut her 3rd tooth, but I'm starting to think this may be more than teething rash. Am I overthinking it or is it just a simple teething rash. You can't see in the picture very well but she does have some slight discolouration there aswell?


Teething or no?

My four month old has had frequent loose poos for 10 days. She is well in herself no fever. She does have a sporadic cough which is not frequent and it seems like she’s clears her throat. Could this be all teething? I have taken her to the docs and sent off a stool sample which I am waiting on a response but I am at...


Jump pee

Every time I workout and jump I pee a tiny bit… is this normal😩😩


Potty training help plz x

My daughter has recently turned 2 im a first time mum and struggling with what to do with potty training If her nappy is not on she knows to go on the potty but I can’t leave her all day walking around with nothing on bottom half But with clothes on she’ll just wet through and doesn’t understand the concept of pull...


Potty training

I am a first time single mom who works full time from Monday to Saturday only have Fridays and Sundays off I am looking forward to potty train my two and half year old daughter. She goes to nursery 3 times a week. Any tips please? Any mums been in that position before and has potty trained or is potty training ? TIA



Would you date a man if you found out he had dentures???


Teething at nearly 3 months??

My little boy will be 3 months on Friday, and I think he may be teething. Is this a thing?? 🫣 his temp is fluctuating, his cheeks are bright red, and he's not himself throughout the day 🥺 is there anything I can do for him? I've been giving calpol to bring his temp down, but I don't want to rely on this. I've also…


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