Community Posts, Tips & Support on Child Development

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Child Development.


3 months old is he teething? I see 2 small white bits at the bottom of his gums I have touched it and it doesn’t feel like it’s cutting through


Potty training 3yo

My son turned 3 in January. We didn’t want to push him with potty training, and we were working with the nursery who kept suggesting he wasn’t quite ready (until just before Christmas apparently) He did his first wee at nursery on the potty and we made a huge fuss. And then he did a few wees at home on the potty too...



What potty will you be getting little ones? Or what have you already got? I know we are a long way off but I've been getting my 14 month old used to my sons old potty (it's been used as a step) it's the Thomas the tank engine singing potty and was thinking of getting her something similar but wasn't sure if anyone h...


boy or girl??

had mixed opinions on this one!! can someone also tell me where the bladder is??


Looking for some advice..

I was just wondering what this could be.. I've noticed it on my little girls hands.. no where else on the body. Could it just be from her hands being in her mouth and making her hands sore, or could it be something else? She's pretty normal in herself, bar teething horrendously. It seems to be more on her right hand...


Bottom wiping

Are your little ones wiping their own bottoms? If so how did you go about teaching them? I’m still the one wiping but wondering what age he should start to do it himself.


Potty - good news

Hi everyone just wanted to put a post out there to say if anyone’s May 22 baby isn’t using the potty or toilet yet not to worry! I was starting to worry because my boy was showing absolutely no interest in either and this evening all of a sudden he just said “mama I need a pee pee”. I took him to the bathroom and he...


Does this look like teething?

Does this look like teething? Baby has increased drooling and appetite


Potty training

Does anyone else’s kid refuse to go on the toilet? She will pee first thing in the morning because she has to but she’ll literally hold it for 4+ hours throughout the day. Idk what to do


Potty training and nursery

We’re going to start this weekend and then on Wednesday - Friday she will go to nursery. I’ve spoken to them and they don’t seem keen on her going commando and would like her to come in pull ups. I feel like this will just be backwards steps though. Have you got any advice about how you navigated potty training and ...


3 month old teething?

He seems in pain crying and putting his fingers and fist in his mouth constantly. His cheeks are red and he seems to be dribbling more than usual. I can’t see any teeth coming through though! Could this be the start of teething? Is there anything I can give to help the pain he seems like he’s in? Thanks x


Potty recommations?

I feel like theirs so many options on the market, no idea which one to get. One that looks like a mini toilet or just a big standard one? Then have to think about when we go out etc. don’t want to waste lots of money. Does anyone have any advice recommendations?


Refuses to brush teeth

Is anyone's toddler screaming like it's the end of times when they try to brush their teeth. This has suddenly happened over night and she ends up so hysterical I have to stop because she starts gagging due to being so worked up. I've tried every type of distraction but nothing is seeming to work. I'm really worried...


Could this be teething?

Baby is 5mo in a couple of days and yesterday night he had a blocked nose/stuffy nose which I helped clear up and haven’t had an issue since. Today he has been scratching his ear/above his ear and has been biting my nipple. This is just today it’s started. He keeps pulling and scratching at the same ear and not the ...


Potty Training

How do I approach potty training helppp shes my only child but I know it's about time cause she'll try and hide when she goes poop


Braxton hicks

How often are my second or third time moms getting Braxton hicks? Mine are ALL the time


Toilet training

Hi, my niece is 4 and will only go to the toilet for a wee, she refuses to have a poo only in a nappy. Her parents and family have tried everything and she still won’t go, Any recommendations


Potty recommendations please

I have a boy so obviously his willy might miss the potty I don't know 😂 I'm not sure if I want a mobile one, what have you found works best?


Potty training - do I start?

My son knows when he has a wee and a poo, and tells me whenever he does something. He has also started to hate when I put him on the mat to change him as he lifts his bum so it doesn’t touch him when he poos. The problem is he won’t entertain the potty when it comes to actually doing anything on it. Do I just wait a...


What do I do?

My little boy is 2 and a half, he's been completely dry and clean for 6 days, doing all of his business in the potty, telling me when he needs the potty etc. I have been inside for the 6 days just letting him run nappy free, I've tried putting him in pants because he absolutely does not want to be in a nappy but he ...


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