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Horrible sleep, some drool, 4 months old.
My 10wo has been a lot more unsettled recently, been putting her hand in her mouth and dribbling .. are these all signs that she could be teething soon ? Or is is too early.
I have a 7 month old boy. Both his front bottom teeth are through but at the top his left front tooth and left lateral incisor is coming though but nothing on the top right, is this normal??
I am a first time momma to a beautiful girl. She is now 2 and has been showing signs of wanting to go on the potty. We have started potty training around 1 and she was doing great!! Then we moved and it seems like she is now somewhat scared ? Of going on the potty and is now holding her pee and poo. Any advice ? 😖…
Hello We started toilet training one week ago. We kind of followed the 'oh crap' method. My son has done amazingly well with wees. He's managed a couple of 💩 on the toilet. However, he has been holding in poos 💩 for a few days which then normally results in an accident in his pants. For a few hours up to the 💩…
My little girl has ditched her nappy the last two days, we are just using the potty & pull ups at nighttime. We need to go out tomorrow and I’m a bit anxious about it, I don’t want to put pull ups on her and confuse her when she’s not wearing them at all during the day. Should I just keep the pants on and take a ...
I’m really worried about my little one. We’ve stopped nappies since November except bedtime (we have gone back once as he was so poorly at Christmas and pretty much sleeping all day) but we are now at middle of February and he is still just not understanding about telling me when he needs to pee. Just does it in his...
I plan on potty training this summer coming, so early 3 years old and we tried just as my daughter turned 2 but clearly neither of us were ready so it kind of failed, I need all the tips I can get especially when it comes to preschool and leaving the house as it’s not very often we are inside especially on a weekend...
With everyone's little ones whos starting teething have they noticed that they trow up more than before? Is this normal or something I should talk to the doctors about?
Should I be worried. When he does wee in potty it’s a little yellow than usual
My LOs been potty trained for wees for a while now - but yesterday and today he's getting himself constantly -not even attempting to make it to the toilet. I assume it's a regression? Any tips? I don't want to punish him and make it worse, but I don't know how to help him. I can't keep up with our washing as it is!😭
He is potty trained and never had an accident inside. This is the first time it happened. Baby is 10 months old. How do i prevent this and why did he do it?
Does this look like teething ?
My baby has been a little warmer than usual. (99.3 ish today), and she is acting normal, but definitely putting everything in her mouth and chewing. I keep reading that teething doesn't cause a fever but wanted to know if someone has had the case.
Is your toddler potty trained? If so, how did you do it?
Are any moms trying to potty train their toddler at this age? My little girl does well if I stay on top of her going to the bathroom every five to ten minutes. I find it hard/challenging to do this daily because I’m usually cleaning or picking up while she’s playing. Is anyone else in the same boat? Feeling a bit de...
Do you recommend? Please share how old your little one was when you tried.
I need help potty training my 2 1/2 year-old for pre-K next year. We started yesterday and he doesn’t seem to mind poop or pee in his underwear. We started a couple months ago, which is sitting on the potty with his pants down but diaper on. He seems to get all of the potty steps such as pulling the pants down, si...
Can anyone recommend a natural teething medication? I’m reluctant to keep giving calpol, she also has frozen breast milk in a mould but I can’t keep giving that to her over night I like the idea of the roll on balm but there’s so many to chose from
I have always had bad teeth not because I never took care of them but because I have genetic problems. I’m very prone to cavities. Every time I went to the dentist I would have to get them filled. Both sides of my family have problems with their teeth. When I was younger I was never told by my dentist that I would h...