Community Posts, Tips & Support on Child Development

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Child Development.


are little mans teeth coming through?


Tips on potty training

Has anyone started potty training yet or have any tips to share please? :)


discouraging biting?

my baby girl has 4 teeth and is of course exploring everything with her mouth. she’s now started biting myself and my partner here and there and i’m just not sure how to react. sometimes if i say “ouch!” she giggles and i don’t want to encourage her. but if i do nothing i feel like she will think it’s okay. also hav...


Potty training not as bad as I thought

I'm a first timer & was a bit nervous of potty training. My daughter showed no sign of readiness & no awareness of when she'd been in her nappy. Whenever we ask her to use the potty she just says no thank you. My husband had last week off work so we decided to try potty training while he was around to help. We s...


When to introduce a pull-up instead of nappy

Do you use nappies still? I hear many others talking about using pull-ups, are they not for potty training?


Potty training chronicles: Baby won't poop anymore.

I think we began potty training too early, so we will stop and start again in a few months. We actually stopped last week but since then she's literally been acting like she's afraid to poop. Everytime she needs to go, she will hold it till she can't anymore... Sometimes it'll take days. I feel horrible because she ...


Sore under nose

Does anyone have any ideas what this might be? He’s had it a couple of weeks now, worth noting he’s got quite a few teeth cutting as well so not sure if related!


Potty Training Advice

I need advice my 14 month old repeatedly keeps taking off his diapers and when we put pants and onesie on he still figures a way to take it off. He also just started pulling himself up on objects. When’s a good time to potty train?



I’m not sure if my baby is teething. Thoughts?


Potty training a boy

So he will go if I put him on the toilet only what is the step by step of the 3 day method I’m really hoping he will get it he is 21 months old


Potty training

Has anyone starting potting training? Can you please help I don’t know where to start or what should I do?


Potty Training Regression?

Ok so my girlie has been going to the potty by herself (pee and poo) in the potty for nearly over 7 months and now I feel she is going backwards. I now have to bring in the timer again bc she's forgetting to tell me that she has to go now. Yesterday I caught her going poo 💩🩲💓 in her undies and the day before that,…


Night time toilet training

So my son is 4 and he got the hang of day time potty training very quickly. Night time training well that is non existent-he struggles to sleep as it is (mild sleep apnea and potentially having surgery for tonsils etc). There are some nights he may be totally dry and then wakes up And then wees in his training pants...


How long do teeth take to cut?

She's been teething for a while now but does this look like they're about to come through?



Hey I don’t know if it normal but today I have seen my LO have one tooth already cut through but other haven’t come through but can see under gum ? I thought they both come through together?


Toilet training 😫

So my daughter is 3.5 years and yet to potty train. We’ve had many false starts due to illness and bereavement. Nursery have been brilliant and have really been encouraging her to sit on the toilet where she has weed on occasions and she wears pants all day for them. So we know she can do it. Yet at home, she’s ...


Potty training - be excited with me

My boy has done 3 pees and 1 💩 in the potty BY HIMSELF, he’s gone over and done it himself, after has then showed me and he’s guided me to the bathroom and poured it into the toilet, flushed it and washed his hands Noones seems to be excited for me and this makes me sad. No well done, no nothing just ‘stop…


Is this normal?

My sons bottom further back tooth has cut but it’s the only one, his two front teeth haven’t even cut yet is it normal for them to cut in the wrong order 😭


Night time potty training

So my son turned 2 in September and we started day time potty training in the August which is smashed, he has no more accidents but I'm wanting to know when and how to start night time potty training. I'm thinking when he's 3 or just about to turn 3 but no clue how to start. Any advice?


Brushing teeth

My LB has always brushed his own teeth purely because i cannot seem to do it he just screams and is sometimes sick when i do it, however i’ve just brushed them and his gums have bled, is this bad ?


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