Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Baby Feeding.
If your LO has a say 4oz bottle and then an hour and 45mins later is unsettled and mouthing they are hungry, would you offer them another bottle? I'm so worried I'm going to over feed him as my oldest didn't know when he was full and still doesn't at 19months old. My LO is 6weeks old
Anyone else’s baby still feeds 4-5 oz every 3 hrs 🫣🥲 because mine does + night feeds are still going strong This is the only way to make her drink enough milk during 24 hrs I’ve seen a lot of babies now have 3/4 feeds of 7-8 oz during the day I’ve tried to feed her more oz but she just can’t eat more than 4-5…
For anyone who gives one bottle of breast milk a day only and otherwise nurses, how many oz or mL do you give? I’m going to be giving expressed milk and only one bottle so please only comment if that’s what you do. Need to see if we can get baby used to a bottle for when I have a weekend away in March
If you are looking to use MAM bottles are you also buying a steriliser as well as sterilising in the microwave? I’ve seen a tommee tippe UV one but not sure if it’s a waste if I have the self sterile bottles?
Does anyone know where I can get kendamil milk either stage 1 or 2 from?
Do any of you pre make bottles of formula? I was thinking to make a few bottles up ready before bed so during the night I can just get them out of the fridge rather than having to make them when the baby is screaming in the middle of the night?? I know it says you shouldn’t make them in advance but I’ve also been ...
For those that have formula fed babies, do you still give milk in a bottle? I just read another post from another group who said the HV said milk should be drank from a cup at 10m 😳
We were combination feeding until about two weeks ago and now my nearly 6 month old is just on formula (it’s been really gradual). He only takes 5 ounces each feed, 3 hours apart give or take. Sometimes he will have 6 ounces but probably only once a day. Sometimes he doesn’t finish he 5 ounce bottle. Just curious wh...
Hi, I am going on holiday in December and I’m just wondering how do I feed baby on the plane and in the airport. He is formula fed. Do I bring multiple bottles and hot water? I was thinking of getting the ready made formula but then again how do I warm it up and I would still need multiple bottles right? Any advice ...
My son is 7.5 weeks old and we have been supplementing with formula. Lately we’ve been using Enfamil really just because we’ve been given so much. Now that we’re running low on our supply I’d like to start looking into different brands. I’m open to sticking with the Enfamil but would like to know what better brands ...
At what age are we meant to be offering food before milk? My boy has all of a sudden started drinking milk again like hes 6 months old and napping 2½ hours in the day 😵💫
How’s everyone making bottles on the go? I’m due in 2 weeks and haven’t thought about it! Prefer not to use the nuby rapid method
What teat size should a 13 week old be on for mam bottle? What size does your baby use?
My LO is 6 weeks old and EBF, he is constantly feeding nearly every 30 mins every evening and it’s starting to get me down. I’m feeling sore and like I can’t spend time with him full and content.. my partner also can’t spend any time with him after work as he just cries and mooches. He settles completely when being ...
Mine has 3 bottles of formula, and 3 solid meals a day. Is this too much?
We had our 9-12month review and had our LO measured for the first time since birth. Just curious how tall all our 1 or soon to be 1 year olds are?
Hiya Ladies, how are you storing refill packs of Formula (powder)? Whether you use the tin cans in which it comes or using some plastic tub? TIA xxx
So we’ve decided we’re going to be sticking with SMA little steps like we did with our little boy. (He was originally on aptamil but it caused bad constipation) so we finally settled for SMA. But this time round they only do SMA pro ready made formula bottles for the hospital. The formula is SMA little steps… will ...
Hey mamas! For the little ones that are eating more than 4oz but not quite 6oz, are you making 6 & just getting rid of what isn’t used or are you just somehow making just 5oz by putting half a scoop or what? I hope that doesn’t sound stupid lol but I feel like he spits up right after he finishes 6 but 4 isn’t quite ...
My boy loves his bedtime milk and still has it in a bottle. He’s also still waking in the night and won’t settle without a bottle most times. Tips for moving away from a bottle and any recommendations for what to switch to? Ideally I’d like another bottle for bed but he enjoys his Tumtum and a cup for day use