Community Posts, Tips & Support on Baby Feeding

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Baby Feeding.

Milk feeds

Hi Mums, How many milk feeds your lo takes a day? my baby is 14 months now and he takes 3 feeds, Morning, afternoon and before sleep at night. Just wondering as we will be travelling on Christmas for 7-8 hours flight, not sure how he can take one while flying? Thanks.


Teat sizes and drinking

My LG feeds every 3/4 hours, on a size 1 teat. But she rarely finishes a bottle and only ever does about 3 ounces maybe 4 but becomes really irritated quickly. She burps, she farts in between feeding. I pace her and then she just gives up and doesn’t have any more milk. I switched to veriflow teats thinking maybe sh...



how much milk are you giving your lo throughout the day ? whether it be breast milk or formula .



Any good clean ingredient formulas you recommend??


Bugs in formula

Breastfeeding but on vacation and I need to supplement. I went to the local walmart for a can of formula. And went to give my baby a mix bottle and the formula has bugs in it. Had any one experience this?


Adding in formula when BF..size of bottle

LO is 18 days old, for several reasons we have started introducing bottles. At the moment this is for roughly feeds that are between 6pm-ish and midnight (typically 2-3 feeds) we’re mainly doing the ready made formula (Aptamil) but I’ve just started expressing so the last two days we’ve done a bottle of breast milk....


Giving bottle of expressed milk

My husband gives our boy a bottle of expressed milk usually around 9-10 PM. However with his naps stretching longer and now eating on the breast closer to this usual bottle time- we saw that he spit up a considerable amount of the bottle and is restless after. For those breastfeeding and giving a bottle at night - ...


Kendamil shortage rant😡

So the past two weeks has been such a struggle to find the kendamil classic formulas it’s been ridiculous and lucky that I was stocked up. Had to use ready made bottles the past 2/3 days but today I finally was able to get hold of a pot. But I noticed the pot has changed (lid is different, scoop and scraper is wider...


Recommendations for formula ( newborn)

Thank you ! ☺️


This stage is hard

Controversial opinion but I find the 3-6 month stage harder than the newborn in lots of ways. Lots of smiles and joy but also … Clingyness, fussyness, immunisations, possibly early teething, rolling and sleep regressions. Trying to get them to nap several times a day. Most partners are back to work and so flying sol...



Can I put vanilla drops into the formula so my Lo will take it? Currently struggling to get her to drink any of it :( if I can - what drops are recommended



After some advice/help! So for making formula during days our we usually use the tommee tippee prep & go flasks, one black with hot water and the white for cooling it. Our white cooling flask has broken and they're in the mids of replacing! 🙏 Is this right.... if I boil kettle and put water into a spare sterilised…


Sma lactose free

my baby has severe reflux so we have tried difference formulas to see if it helps, someone then suggested SMA lactose free formula. so far it hasnt changed his reflux but has given him diarrhoea (which hes never had before on other formulas) could this mean he doesnt need lactose free milk? or should i stick it out?


Toddler won’t stop using baby bottles

My toddler is 13m and I have been trying to transition her to a sippy cup or a straw cup for milk and she WILL not drink it. She still wants her baby bottle. Does anyone have any advice for this please?


Need advise

My son nearly 3 months old on the 17th December and is it normal for him to want more milk as his on 160ml at the moment as he always hungry


Timing between feeds?

I’ve recently moved from ebf to formula feeding and I’m really struggling to get my head round how often I should be giving my lb a bottle and the timings. When I was breastfeeding I offered a feed every two hours, he very rarely cries from hunger. also during the night, if they wake from hunger do you give a full...


number of bottles?

my little one is sleeping through the night, but wondering how many day feeds I should give? Currently on 5 bottles a day at 5/6oz


Preparing formula

How do you prepare formula when you go out? I’m new to this. Do you bring your own water ?


Formula Weaning

Hey All! Has anyone else’s baby weaned themselves off formula? My baby is 9 months tomorrow and it’s been over 48 hours since he’s accepted a bottle. For the past few weeks he just seems disinterested in it no matter how I give it to him but still normally took it before bed, up until now. Anyone else experiencing...


Kendamil shortage

Is there really a Kendamil shortage or is this a marketing ploy for the launching of Bonya? Because I was considering buying Bonya for a sec until I read someone say it tastes and smells different.


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