Community Posts, Tips & Support on Baby Feeding

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Baby Feeding.

Baby not feeding enough.

My 11 week old is formula fed and is currently taking just about half of what he should he has not put on any weight in the last week. He is already on 0.4th centile. Any advice ladies?


When to stop sterilising - Nutramigen

Curious when other mums who’s little ones were on Nutramigen chose to stop sterilising bottles? I know the standard guidance is to sterilise as long as they have formula due to the risks of bacteria that might not be killed by the boiling water but as we don’t use boiling water to make our formula and there isn’t th...


Nuby Rapid Cool

Hi, if anyone uses the Nuby Rapid Cool, does your flask go from red, amber to green? Mine only goes from amber then a few seconds later to green and the milk does seem warm enough to drink. Just concerned as on the information leaflet, it says it takes a few minutes to go to green whereas mine always goes to green i...


Baby refusing milk

My wee boy is 6 months old ( 4 months corrected) and is refusing his milk today he usually had 5 x 6oz bottles and today has only had 14oz in total. Any advice? I feel I'm at a loose end and have tried eveything.


Am I weaning correctly?

My LB is 6.5 months and loves his food. I'm doing finger foods and purees. He loves it so much that he'll clear his plate and demand more. He's started turning his nose up at milk, and so is already on 3 meals a day. I'll get him booked in for a weigh in to make sure he's still on his normal trajectory, but until t...


Adding one feed of formula to the day?

Hey mamas, my baby is 3months and I have been EBF since her birth. More recently I’m noticing she’s wanting a bit more and is fussy if she hasn’t had enough. But I think I’m literally not producing enough to keep up although I expected to have an increase of supply to match up to her as I always feed on demand. I’...


Rapid cool

Did you guys sterilise your rapid cool, if so how did you sterilise it.


Bottle Feeding

Hey! Bottle feeding question here. My baby girl is 2 weeks and 4 days old and is drinking 5 oz every 3-4 hours and still seems hungry. How much do people feed your babies?


Switching To BottleFeed

Hi Guys ,Little Munchkin Just Turned 4months .. has been breastfed since day 01.. I’m ready to Switch to bottle feeding, but I’m a bit nervous as to which milk or formula to use as she has eczema and flares up whenever I consume dairy.. so it’s completely cut out my diet .. ANY RECOMMENDATIONS on milk or formula to ...


Advice for 2nd baby

Please give me any advice you have on the transition from 1 to 2 children. I'm due soon, my first will be 2yo and I'd love any advice about housework, parenting, hacks, anything! Xx


Hot shot method

I’m so confused about the hot shot method (I make bottles with nuby rapid cool). When my baby was on 3oz I did 30ml hot shot, 4oz I was doing a 40ml hot shot as someone recommended on here, he’s now going up to 5oz so I’d have thought a 50ml hot shot, but when looking into the hot shot method I see a lot of people j...


Breastfed baby suddenly refusing the bottle

Hey my little boy is 19 weeks and has been taking a bottle of expressed milk since he was 3 weeks old. Suddenly he won’t let the teat go anywhere near his mouth and screams if I try and put it in his mouth! I can trick him sometimes if I put him on the boob then switch to the bottle when he’s calmer but then he ge...


How is everyone’s baby growing?

Hey everybody! My baby boy is about to turn 3 months old (bday October 29th) and his pediatrician is concerned he’s not gaining enough weight. For context, he was exclusively breastfed his first two months and we recently started combo feeding. At his 2 month checkup he weighed 11 pounds 3 ounces, and we were told h...


Avent or Dr Brown

Which bottle would you prefer? I feel like at the starting level Dr Browns might be too fast. I'm going to try to breastfeed.


Not interested in feeding

Just need to vent, or get advice, as I am STRESSED😤my little one has decided over the last few days that she hates feeding most of the time. She will take 8oz on one bottle, then randomly decide for the next 3 bottles or so to have 2/3oz and that’s it. She will randomly scream as soon as the bottle goes near her,…


Formula feed / 3 month old

How many ozs in a 24hr period do your 3 month olds have / How many should they be having?



I'm currently using aptimal formula but wee bubs who is 4 weeks has been so unsettled, wanting fed every 2 hours and we've had to up the amount to 5oz but still no difference. Should I try another make of milk? If so any suggestions and has anyone else had this problem.


Bottles for cows milk?

Hi! I’m trying to transition to cows milk and I read that the standard bottles I have been giving him until now are not supposed to be used for cows milk as it might cause tooth decay due to the sugars. I have been offering it in a cup during the day but what do you use for the morning and before bed bottle? He won...


2nd baby

What’s the transition like going from 1 baby to 2? I’m currently pregnant with my second and I currently have a 6 year old. Jsut a bit nervous for the change


Sterilizing pump parts

How do I properly sterilize my pump parts? How often should I do that?


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