Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Baby Feeding.
How the crap are we dealing with the fact that our babies are 2 months old now….
Hi ladies! Question, how often are your Formula fed babies eating? My son is 6months 2weeks, and is having a 6oz bottle every 4hrs on the dot 🥲 I mean fussing at 3:30 and screaming for bottle at 4hrs. Is it too much? I tried doing 6oz every 5hrs but he can’t seem to wait that long. I’m concerned about whether…
My girl is 12 weeks old, she’s on Kendamil organic (normal Kendamil atm due to shortage) but she should in theory be drinking around 5oz a time now but we’re still stuck on 3-4, sometimes the occasional 5oz. I also log all her feeds and over a 24 hour period she drinks between 20-24oz which I don’t think is enough? ...
My 3 month old is really struggling with her feeds recently, will take it to begin with but as soon as we stop and burp her she refuses to take the bottle again and is just crying for about 20-30 mins before taking it again. We always get a few burps out when feeding so I don’t think it’s gas. When she is settled it...
Hi what replacements are you using and liking in place of the regular teat bottle for toddlers having milk please
How's everyone finding their formula? Currently been using Hipp Organic. Recently it's taking forever just to feed(I have tried to size up the teat, but just overflows) Also, he will then sick up a lot of the milk, few 30-45mins later. He also poos every 2-3days, and on the day he finally opens bowels. It's like ...
Hello, we’re suffering a really bad kendamill shortage where I live (only toddler milk available) can anyone recommend an alternative? We were using Kendamill organic, I’ve just purchased some Aptamill but really would like to hear some of your thoughts and whether anyone else has switched.
My little boy has just turned one 🥹🥳 and is still having 3 x 7oz bottles a day (with 3 meals) plus snacks (he’s a hungry boy😂). Just curious on how many of you are still using formula with your little ones, once they’ve turned 1 and if so how many bottles are you giving them?
Hey! I’m looking for a little bit of advice on which steriliser is best, I will hopefully be using Mam bottles which I know are self sterilising so do I really need a steriliser and if so which one? There’s so many it’s such a mind field 🤯🤍
He has just turned 5 months today but I would say for the last month he has refused to drink anything during the day, he will cry for a bottle like he is hungry but drink 2oz (if am lucky!) but will happily drink 5 oz every 3 hours during the night when he’s not fully awake. He has been on kendamil since birth but w...
Good morning! What formula is everyone planning on using?
If so what does your feeding routine look like day to day?
What does everyone’s food/milk routine look like? Usually we do 6am - wake up & bottle (8) 8am - breakfast 10am - snack 12pm - lunch 1.30 - bottle (5) 3 - snack 5.30 - dinner 7 - bottle (8) Recently he’s been waking up for a bottle again around 3am so I’m wondering whether to drop the first morning bottle? ...
Why does it have to be fresh water and over 1 litre in the kettle? The amount of water I’m wasting is ridiculous . Is it really that important to follow?
My baby drinks breast milk and is currently eating 5-6oz bottles. I try to give him 4 and he cries and cries for more 😂 recommended amount for breastmilk at his age is 2-3 oz. He’s 5.5weeks.
Has everyone stopped sterilising or continuing after 12 months?
How much milk are your little ones having on average per day? My boy has around 1000 / 35oz just interested if this around average or a small/large amount compared to others
My three months baby is currently drinking 5 ounces of formula every 3 hours, but lately I feel that he is still hungry with 5 ounces and he doesn’t wait for the entire three hours. But I don’t want to overfeed him.
Can anyone recommend a good steriliser? Planning to breast feed but also want to get baby used to a bottle. For my first son I had an avent electric steriliser but found that lime scale built up quite quickly!
My baby is 8 weeks and drinks 150 but this past week is sucking them dry, I can’t get a definite answer off Google.. just wondering what your babies drink who are similar in age ? Wondering whether to up his feed to 180 or not, we did an 180ml bottle before bed tonight and he sucked that dry too! He’s on the 50th pe...