Community Posts, Tips & Support on Baby Feeding

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Baby Feeding.

newborn bottled water

with my son I was giving him formula always with bottled water never warmed it up didn’t boil it. He’s almost 2 years old clearly off formula but never had an issue. I was also a ftm so I didn’t know what was correct or what wasn’t. I’ll be having my daughter soon and don’t know if I should stick to the same route w...


Formula or cows milk

Is everyone giving their LOs cows milk or still giving formula? Or both? Our pediatrician told us to give her cows milk when she turned one. Just curious bc I see other babies still drinking a bottle.


Sterilising Toys

How often do you all sterilise toys? I feel as though I’m not sterilising half as much as I should be


Cows milk - how much per day?

How much cows milk are you giving your little ones per day once weaned from formula?



My baby boy is 15 days old and already wants more than 3oz feeding 2/3 hours and sometimes even after 4oz is wanting more ?!? Do I give him more. He’s never sick ….


Unsure if baby girls getting enough milk… confused

I know all babies are different but I’m feeling confused if my little one isn’t drinking enough or I’m trying to force milk on her! She lost 12.5% body weight when she was born so I guess part of the reason I worry and why she is combi fed. The back of the Kendamil recommends 180ml 5 times a day. She’s drinking arou...


Toddler bottles

Can anyone recommend any good non spill water bottles for my toddler. I’m sick of my 2 year old getting soaking wet or having the bottles leak all in the change bag etc…


Tommie Tippie Steriliser

Hey! Does anyone else have/had any issues with the TT steriliser. I find myself descaling it at least 2-3 times a week which seems a lot to me and I find the metal disk burns really easily and often I can smell a burning smell coming from the machine after a full cycle. I try my best to remeber to stop it half w...


Best way to feed baby?

I’m looking for the best way if I can’t breast feed, to feed baby. Whether this be prep machine (although I’ve heard it’s not recommended so I don’t really want to use this) or nuby rapid cool. Or just the kettle method or any other ways please? I’ve also bought a flask that mimickes what the nuby does as I’ve heard...


Nuby Rapid Cool

can i sterilise my nuby rapid cool without the lid on in my MAM steriliser? Any advice?


2 month old formula

Hi, wanted to know how much milk your 2 month olds are drinking and every how often? My baby exclusively breastfeeds during the day and from 6pm 9pm and sometimes 12am (if she's awake) she will have a 5oz bottle. I'm finding she's finishing this very quickly! To the point where I'm having to top up with my breast mi...


It’s so odd to me that some babies are almost 7montgs when my bub will just be turning 6months on the 26th

Makes me less worried when I see some bubs a head developmentally


7 week old on only 2oz still?!

I'm getting so stressed! No matter what we do, change teat size and brand, change formula, try Gaviscon etc my 7 week old will not drink more than 2oz sometimes 1oz! He's now 10lb 5oz at 7 weeks and seems to be putting on weight, but I see other babies drinking 4-6oz at this age. Is there anything that has helped fo...


Breastfeeding and bottle sizes

I'm breastfeeding but we give my little one a bottle of pumped boob milk each day so I can nap and my partner feeds him. I haven't changed the bottle teat size though. I assumed as my nipple is the same size, the teat should also stay the same? Are you meant to change the size and flow of the teat?? Thanks!


MAM teat 3

My little boy is 14 weeks now, we have moved from teat 0,1 and 2 very easily. We’ve been battling with teat 3 and X for about 3/4 weeks now and not really getting anywhere. They are both too fast for him yet a 2 is far too slow! Any advice? We’ve done paced feeding which doesn’t make much difference. I have read tha...



Hi all! FTM worrier here!! Our 4.5 month old has had a cold since Wednesday and feeding has gone completely out the window 🫠 Formula fed - every bottle is a battle only managing to get 70-90mls down him in one sitting (normally drinks between 180-210mls every 3-4 hours). I am offering milk every two hours but he is…



Hey! My little one is 9 weeks old now and I’ve been pumping since day one. At the moment, he drinks every two hours and has 120ml per feed. He weighs over 14lb so he drinks A LOT!😂 The last feeds - 8pm & 4:30am is with formula (180ml). I know that with formula, babies will tend to feed less but have more. Do I…



Hi there, my little one is currently 9 days old. I was breastfeeding until yesterday but have changed to formula for the moment. Every feed my little one has been spitting up, could this formula just not agree with him or is this just the case for most formula?


Baby overeating ?

My baby is 3 1/2 months old. He typically eats 6 ounces of formula every 3-4 hours but sometimes he wants more in like an hour or two. He does spit up quite a bit if he has the back to back bottles. He doesn’t show any signs of pain or discomfort when he eats that much. He typically tends to “overeat” every night be...


Colief nighttime

Hi all, My girl is struggling and I think from what a read, Colief may help. Problem is Iv read fan absolute faff to prepare having to wait 30mins before giving the bottle. Do you need to give this at every feed even overnight? Any ideas? She hates cold formula from the fridge


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