Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Baby Feeding.
Hey! My little one is 9 weeks old now and I’ve been pumping since day one. At the moment, he drinks every two hours and has 120ml per feed. He weighs over 14lb so he drinks A LOT!😂 The last feeds - 8pm & 4:30am is with formula (180ml). I know that with formula, babies will tend to feed less but have more. Do I…
Hi there, my little one is currently 9 days old. I was breastfeeding until yesterday but have changed to formula for the moment. Every feed my little one has been spitting up, could this formula just not agree with him or is this just the case for most formula?
My baby is 3 1/2 months old. He typically eats 6 ounces of formula every 3-4 hours but sometimes he wants more in like an hour or two. He does spit up quite a bit if he has the back to back bottles. He doesn’t show any signs of pain or discomfort when he eats that much. He typically tends to “overeat” every night be...
Hi all, My girl is struggling and I think from what a read, Colief may help. Problem is Iv read fan absolute faff to prepare having to wait 30mins before giving the bottle. Do you need to give this at every feed even overnight? Any ideas? She hates cold formula from the fridge
I only have 2 and it’s a bit of a pain keep washing them but considering if I should buy more or stop being lazy and wash them lol.
Hi, my LO has been on Kendamil since birth and has been doing fine. Ever since the new tins and scoop has come out on the market (we have been using for a weeknow) I have noticed my lo is vomitting now and the powder does not mix properly which leaves lumps at the bottom of the bottle never experienced this with old...
Hi all! First time mum who feels like an idiot for the past 8 days just looking for some maybe stupid advice! I have been breastfeeding since birth but have decided to use formula at the moment for various reasons! I think I may have given it to fast (currently has 60mls) and he has been sick loads. Seems settled no...
I just brought this bottle warmer and I set it to the right setting more my babies bottles and it beeped like it says it would when it's done and I just took it out and after bout 5-6 minutes it's still as cold as when I put it in? Am I doing something wrong? Please help
My 8 month old will no longer have a bottle of milk! I'm lucky of he will take 3oz
So my 8mo has been a bit poorly the past week and she’s really dropped her milk intake she went from having 6oz bottles to now 4 at a push 4 times a day is this enough?? She drinks water & has 3 meals a day x
My little one the past few days has only been taking 8oz on a morning then 2 or 3 Oz throughout the day and maybe about 5oz at night. She's just refusing her milk but if we offer her solids she will eat that. I always offer milk first but refuses but is clearly hungry as she eats all the food we offer. She's usually...
Any advice on how to get rid of the bottle? My son is 20 months old and we tried using the straw cups for a while now, either to sip through the day or just trying to give him a cup at bed time but he only takes 1 or 2 sips and thats it and he wont settle down and sleep until he is bottle fed. Any advice please?
If so, how much?
Like when I was using enfamil infant my baby used to drink 24-28 ounces with all his meal but when I change it to toddler he just drinks 16 ..Can that be due to more fat content in toddler formula that is why it’s more filling ?
How much milk and water does your 14 month old have roughly in a day?
Hi ,can you tell about your experience to preparing baby bottle formula
Does anyone else’s 6 month old give them a hard time with finishing bottles? I give mine 6oz around 5 times a day and she always stops drinking after 3 to 4oz. She rarely finishes bottles now but she is gaining weight (slowly). It’s just very frustrating and would love to know if anyone else relates. She is only d...
May 2024 baby
Is 36oz of formula over 24hours too much for my little one? 12 feeds of 3oz every two/three hours? He is two weeks old… he wakes and is clearly hungry, never refused a bottle and always takes the full lot?
I’ve been giving my son 6 to 12 months aptamil and I sent my husband to buy one .. I’m sure yall can guess. He bought number 1 . I know that midwives advise that they’re basically the same but will he be fine taking the number one because he’s been having the number since he turned 6 months and he’s nearly 7 months now