@Desi in all honesty - no! He loves his milk and drinks them all! But, do I up his amount and then space the feeds even longer?
@Bianca-Jasmine it's worth a try. Especially if he's achieved his birth weight. Try matching the formula bottles if you're producing enough. When you do see regular resistance to a particular feed, make that one what I call a floating feed - basically you let him tell you if he needs it rather than automatically waking to feed.
@Desi he was 9lb 6oz when he was born so he’s always just had loads of milk! Okay I’ll give it a go on the next feed and see how we go. Thankyou!
Let your son’s cues drive when you feed him, if it’s been 2 hours and he’s still happy and playing then you can wait a little longer until he starts showing signs of being hungry. If he is consistently finishing his bottles and is still acting a little hungry after you can start increasing the amount you feed him. I exclusively pump and we increased my son’s bottle a half ounce at a time. Once they start drinking more at each feed is when they will start spacing out their feeds more. Also Unless he is struggling to gain weight, you shouldn’t have to wake him up to feed him.
I used to go up an ounce whenever my son used to finish a bottle. So if I gave him 5oz and he finished the bottle one day, I’d start doing 6oz after that. If they’re finishing the bottle always go up as you never know if they’d want more
Are there any feeds he's fussy about/resistant on?