So he’s 9lb 4oz, back up to his birth weight and working it out 150 x his weight is just under 630ml per 24 hours. He has had 8 feeds since 7:30am yesterday morning at 90ml / 3oz but I feel sometimes he is not satisfied with this, I feed him responsively and sometimes he goes 2 hours between sometimes a little longer. Does this sound normal to yourself? He is pooping less than once a day too with cooled boiled water between feeds to try and get things moving as for the past few days I’ve felt he may be constipated. There is more going in than coming out and I just worry about him either not getting enough but also if I up his feeds if this will be too much.
He is on cow and gate milk and he seems to enjoy all of his bottles, has never refused a bottle and always finishes his feeds. I have recently changed from the size 1 teats on the mam bottles to the size 0 and he does seem to be getting on better with these sizes as before I felt he was gulping down way to fast and this was making him uncomfortable, better burps too not sure if that’s due to the change. Just want to make sure I’m getting everything right for him, he’s my wee world.
Sounds like he is getting enough. But if he's hungry after 2 hours, have you tried offering 4oz? My little one was on 4oz around that age and was born similar weight. If he's being overfed, he will clearly show it by vomiting or refusing anymore milk. The amount they poo does slow down after a few weeks. If he's straining to poo as well and going a couple of days without pooing then speak to your health visitor
I did ask about upping the quantity of his milk and my HV advised to not give a 4oz in one sitting as it might upset his tummy. If he’s waking after 2 hours though then it may be that the 3oz is just not enough for him. I will try a 4oz feed in his routine and see how we get on. Thank you so much! He’s never shown any signs of being overfed as of yet but will make sure to keep an eye when upping the quantity of milk. He does seem to be straining quite a lot, I phoned my gp about this and they just advised the water between feeds and keeping doing tummy massage and exercises for him, however definitely mentioning this to my health visitor as it’s sad seeing him straining so much :(
My baby was 9lb 5oz at birth and has been on 4oz feeds for about 2 weeks (he’s 4 weeks now). He has 4oz every 3 hours, apart from during the night where we don’t wake him anymore, so he usually wakes after 4/4.5hours. At 2 weeks, sometimes he would take the 4oz, and sometimes he wouldn’t! We never forced him to finish it, so we were completely led by him and how hungry he was, but he’s always been a big baby so knew he would need more then the recommended amount as that’s based on a ‘normal’ 7lb baby!
Just an update on the LO! He was weighed today at health visit and my big boy is now weighing 10lb 12oz at 24 days old, so my instincts were right about him needing more. Thanks for the advice ladies ❤️
Work it out against his weight. 150-200mls X his weight in kg is the daily amount he should be getting. Feeding across 12 feeds a day is a lot though. My little one is now 4 weeks but has only ever done a max 7 to 8 feeds a day