Community Posts, Tips & Support on Baby Feeding

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Baby Feeding.


I’ve been giving my son 6 to 12 months aptamil and I sent my husband to buy one .. I’m sure yall can guess. He bought number 1 . I know that midwives advise that they’re basically the same but will he be fine taking the number one because he’s been having the number since he turned 6 months and he’s nearly 7 months now


Baby never full please help

So I’ve been on a never ending cycle lately with my 7 week old boy Usually, he takes around 3 1/2 ounces of breastmilk pumped sometimes when he’s having a growth spurt, I’ll just keep adding an extra ounce Lately it’s taking him almost an hour to an hour and a half to finish a bottle And then in another 20 to 3...


Balance of milk and solids

So my boy (nearly 8 months) wasn’t a big eater until this week but now he has become an unstoppable force when it comes to solids. He usually has at least 32oz of milk in 24 hours (I know that it’s sometimes quite a lot but he’s always been a milk guzzler and it averages out over the week) but this has dropped to ar...


Sterilising with milton

I have bought a milton cold water steriliser but have read a lot of comments on most branded baby bottles about the numbers/markings coming off. Apparently, milton speeds up the deterioration process of ink. I had planned on keeping sterilised bottles in the milton solution until I needed to use them, but now put of...


Enfamil A+ stage 2 formula

Has anyone transitioned from stage 1 to stage 2? I wanted to try but I heard it causes constipation.


Tommee tippee prep machine

Anyone using the Tommee tippee prep machine and finding its giving their baby bad colic? We are having trouble with trapped wind, burping, hours of crying sounds like he's in pain.. we use the prep machine and have the nuby rapid cool and have found when we use the nuby he seems more settled. We use the MAM bottles


Switching bottles & teats at 7 months

We’ve always used Doctor Browns anti colic bottles but they’re such a faff to wash with the vents and taking so much time. We’ve tried Tommee tippee and lansinoh but he fusses with them and we end up putting the milk back in the Dr Browns ones. Anyone successfully switched from these bottles/trays to another brand...


Baby wants very little milk

My girl is 12.5 weeks and for the past 6 weeks she just isn’t interested in her milk. She is formula fed and used to take 4oz every 2.5-3 hours. But the last 6 weeks it’s slowly been getting less and less. She just never seems hungry. I have tried lengthening the time between feeds but it makes no difference she’ll ...


Dish basin for bottles?

Hi mama’s! FTM due to have my C-section on Monday and just going through some final things before baby is here. What do you guys think about the necessity of a separate bin to wash baby bottles/pumping parts? I have a Dr. Browns sterilizer and dryer I plan on using after washing so I feel like getting another thin...


Daily Milk Volume Intake

What is the average milk intake of your baby? And how many ounces per feeding?


Months adjusted

Hey guys, how do you guys process the months adjustment talk. My twins were born 2 months before their due date and they’re two months old now. Hubby and I are first time parents and don’t really know what milestone guidelines to read up on.



Need some advice with bottles, when my little one first went on to formula I was using Tommee tippee bottles but so much was coming out of his mouth he was getting drenched every bottle, we went onto mam bottles he was doing great on them. Recently his been clicking on the bottle and has really really struggled wi...


Less milk intake

LO is 4 months on Saturday and for the last few days has gone right off of her milk was on 6/7 oz every 3 hours and is now only taking 3/4 oz every 3 hours. She is really restless at night time and constantly bringing her legs and kicking them out. She also has bad reflux which I don't think helps and after she star...


Holding bottle ??

Are your 10ms holding the bottle yet ?


Milk in the day

Little girlie is about to turn 14 months, still has a bottle of milk before her nap in the day. How are you all doing milk in the day whilst you’re out and about? When she had formula I took the ready to use bottles out with me. Now she’s on cows milk I have no idea what I am doing? Someone please help me 😭 she…


What is your favorite stage? Open your heart ❤️

I always heard horrible stories about toddlerhood and I was so scared whenever I noticed the transition. Here I am loving every single day that I get to explore the world with my little buddy 😭❤️ the tantrums are no joke though 😂



Hey mamas! Is anyone else’s baby showing signs of possible self-weaning? My son is showing less and less interest in his formula. We stopped EBF around 10 months because my supply significantly dropped. He’s drinking only 2-4 oz compared to his normal 6-8 (depending on time of day). He pushes away his bottle and jus...


Flask feeding

If anyone uses a flask (instead of nuby rapid cool but the same process) what one do you use please that actually stays hot?


Share your baby routines! ⏰

My baby’s 4 + months and I don’t have a routine for her! how did you add a routine into your little one’s day? any tips or advice. Can someone maybe share their routine! Thank you mamas 💕💕 Hope all is well xx


Milton cold water steriliser

I have recently purchased a Milton cold water steriliser. My question is can I continue to add bottles, BF equipment to the solution within the 24 hours after dropping the tablet in to sterilise the equipment? I have too much to sterilise so was thinking it would be easier to do it in batches, taking things out af...


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