Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Baby Feeding.
Hey mamas! Is anyone else’s baby showing signs of possible self-weaning? My son is showing less and less interest in his formula. We stopped EBF around 10 months because my supply significantly dropped. He’s drinking only 2-4 oz compared to his normal 6-8 (depending on time of day). He pushes away his bottle and jus...
If anyone uses a flask (instead of nuby rapid cool but the same process) what one do you use please that actually stays hot?
My baby’s 4 + months and I don’t have a routine for her! how did you add a routine into your little one’s day? any tips or advice. Can someone maybe share their routine! Thank you mamas 💕💕 Hope all is well xx
I have recently purchased a Milton cold water steriliser. My question is can I continue to add bottles, BF equipment to the solution within the 24 hours after dropping the tablet in to sterilise the equipment? I have too much to sterilise so was thinking it would be easier to do it in batches, taking things out af...
My steriliser has decided to stop working I’ve got the mam one (the one that goes in microwave) but I’ve got Tommee tipiee bottles. How do I sterilise them in microwave and how long I’m going to try and get another electric one today. Thank you xx
Mine is 5 months old & still wants to feed every 2/3 hours.. only has 4 oz bottles I would love to make the hours longer and the bottle oz bigger .. I just don’t know how to start as she’s in a rhythm 🤦🏻♀️ But this also means she wakes up regularly during the night! So I need to change something
How much milk are your little ones having now? We are still on 1 bottle in the morning (250ml) and 1 at night (210ml) He absolutely LOVESSSS them so not sure how I can cut down and if I even need to cut down.
Does anyone have any recommendations on how to get LOs to drink milk? My LO is 15 months and will not drink milk anymore, he’ll have it with cereal but just won’t entertain drinking it now.
My wee boy has for the past 3 nights now slept right through missing his 4am feed. So he is having a 6oz feed around every 4 hours during the day. Is that enough for him?
When’s a good age to put your little one in time outs?
Do I have to sterilise the dummy every time it touches something after she spits it out e.g sofa or bed This is for a 3mo
Can I ask what the reason is people want their babies off having their milk in MAM or Tommee Tippee bottles? Is there something I’m missing? My little girl still uses one for her milk and I didn’t think it was a problem until now, are there any negative effects of still using these bottles?
I think I have a hungry baby? She’s on 210ml every 2.5 -3 hours but sometimes goes longer. She’s never really finishes her bottles but I upped it because I was finding she’d want more just an hour later on 180ml We are getting longer stretches in the night now though and she only feeds once, if at all. Now she’s set...
I’m currently trying to decide how I will sterilise baby’s stuff. I’m thinking of using the Milton cold water steriliser as it seems the best. I’m aware you can make up and it lasts for 24 hours. Questions.. Can you leave stuff in there and take it out as and when you want to use it? Can you make a bottle straight ...
My little one is 10months old and today has only had 9oz all together he just really doesn’t want his milk! He’s had a few sips of water but really not a lot and breakfast dinner and tea but usually he will have atleast 18/20oz a day! Im worried he’s going to become dehydrated I don’t know what else to do to try get...
Milk has massive reduced since weaning. He is not interested in milk at all and I’m struggling to get 3 full bottles a day down him. Anyone else experiencing the same? He just prefers food! I just worry he isn’t getting enough fluid because he isn’t keen on water either
Hi mommas! I wanna know your feeding schedule and how much BM or formula does your LO drinks ?
If your little one was having 6oz bottles, how ong on average do you find they go between feeds? My LO is on 5oz and is starting to empty the bottles but eats every 2hr45 I say daytime as she usually had a 6oz bottle before bed 19:00ish and sleeps till 4am where she has another 6oz then goes back to sleep until ...
On the kendamil instructions do you go by weight of baby or age of baby as my baby is 14lb but only 6weeks old? He's currently on 5oz or 150ml but I do feel like if I offered more he would take it but it says 180ml is for a 4-5 month old but it lines up with his weight so I'm not sure. Would 6oz be too much for a 6 ...
Has anyone else found that since the shortage of Kendamil classic stage 1, and the change in tin style, that their baby no longer seems to tolerate the formula as well? My little boy was doing great on kendamil and all of a sudden his tummy is bubbling. He's full of gas and sleeping terribly because of this from wha...