Community Posts, Tips & Support on Baby Feeding

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Baby Feeding.

First time mum, sterilising question!

I’m currently trying to decide how I will sterilise baby’s stuff. I’m thinking of using the Milton cold water steriliser as it seems the best. I’m aware you can make up and it lasts for 24 hours. Questions.. Can you leave stuff in there and take it out as and when you want to use it? Can you make a bottle straight ...


Formula amounts

My little one is 10months old and today has only had 9oz all together he just really doesn’t want his milk! He’s had a few sips of water but really not a lot and breakfast dinner and tea but usually he will have atleast 18/20oz a day! Im worried he’s going to become dehydrated I don’t know what else to do to try get...



Milk has massive reduced since weaning. He is not interested in milk at all and I’m struggling to get 3 full bottles a day down him. Anyone else experiencing the same? He just prefers food! I just worry he isn’t getting enough fluid because he isn’t keen on water either


What’s your feeding schedule and how much per bottle?

Hi mommas! I wanna know your feeding schedule and how much BM or formula does your LO drinks ?


How long does you LO go between feeds? (Daytime)

If your little one was having 6oz bottles, how ong on average do you find they go between feeds? My LO is on 5oz and is starting to empty the bottles but eats every 2hr45 I say daytime as she usually had a 6oz bottle before bed 19:00ish and sleeps till 4am where she has another 6oz then goes back to sleep until ...


How many oz to feed?

On the kendamil instructions do you go by weight of baby or age of baby as my baby is 14lb but only 6weeks old? He's currently on 5oz or 150ml but I do feel like if I offered more he would take it but it says 180ml is for a 4-5 month old but it lines up with his weight so I'm not sure. Would 6oz be too much for a 6 ...


Kendamil formula

Has anyone else found that since the shortage of Kendamil classic stage 1, and the change in tin style, that their baby no longer seems to tolerate the formula as well? My little boy was doing great on kendamil and all of a sudden his tummy is bubbling. He's full of gas and sleeping terribly because of this from wha...


Anyone else’s 1 year old refuse to drink milk?

So my 1 year old will not take to whole milk, in any sort of bottle, sippy or straw cup. Won’t take it cold or warmed up. Leading up to her being 1, she was taking less and less bottles and can go days without 1 obviously with 3 meals a day and snacks. If I give her a formula bottle she will take a few sips then tos...


Ready made formula for hospital

Hey ladies! I’m planning to try to breast feed, but want to be prepared in case that doesn’t work for us so have seen that some women take ready made formula into the hospital as a just in case. Can I just ask, which brand is best for this? Do they have to be tipped into bottles? Or can they be drunk straight from...


Time to change milk?

Why is my little one sick after every bottle? Sometimes projectile ? Do I need to change milk or am I doing something wrong? He is 5 weeks tomorrow


Taking the bottle away.

Has anyone taken the bottle away completely and replaced with a free flow cup? I'm thinking about taking the bottle away from today and using a sippy cup for milk tonight before bedtime to see how it goes


Nuby rapid cool

I’ve been pouring boiling water over the inside of the lid as a way of sterilising. How do you do it?


Sma or aptamil?

I have been using kendamil formula for my little girl since her birth. Besides a bit of reflux she was absolutely fine with it and we never thought of changing it. Unfortunately now I haven't been able to get follow on milk anywhere for atleast a month or two and my girl is 9 months. I have been giving her the occas...


switching formula brands?

has anyone here changed the brand of formula you’re using? not for health reasons or anything. I realised the formula I’m currently using is more expensive than other brands so I would like to get a less expensive one to save a bit of money. I’ve looked on the nhs website etc and it seems like it should be fine as l...


Advice formula feeding

My little one is almost 5 months old! He use to feed 210 ml in one go however he is now only taking 90 ml. He starts playing and pushing the bottle out after drinking the 90 ml. Does anyone have advice? Feeding him has become a challenge 😩 I feed him every 3 1/2 to 4 hours. It makes no difference how long he goes…


Newborn stage is my least favourite!

I'm putting it out there ! The newborn stage is not my favourite at all 🙃 it's relentless. My girl was 6 weeks early, so we also got it for 6 weeks longer than usual. I'm a second time mum , and I thought I would be more chill as you know more of what you're doing, but the babies are so different . Because Ada…


Teat size

For those of you using MAM bottles, what teat size do you use with your 6 weeks old baby? I'm using size 0 and my lo doesn't take excessively long to drink however he seems to work so hard to get the milk and falls asleep after half a bottle or so. Just wondering if I should go up to size 1? Will this make him take ...


Formula Feeding

Hi ! My baby girl is 4 month old and she’s eating 6-7 oz every 4 hours. She down for the night at about 8-9 depending on the naps during the day. She sleeps through the night and wakes up at 8-9 in the morning My nurse told me she needed to eat more… and to try and fit another bottle. I tried giving it to her ever...


Formula feeding

Hi ladies, My little girl is almost 9 months old and i’m struggling to work out how much milk she needs to be having as it varies every day. Granted, shes also teething at the moment so i understand that could also be a varying factor but i’ll give a bit of insight, usually she would drink 260ml of milk in each bot...


Baby not taking bottle properly

I'm really stressed about this, I combi feed and never had an issue my husband giving him a bottle once at night or morning. He's suddenly started turning his head away, gagging and crying. Anyone else had this before? What do I do. He will happily suck on it if the bottle is pointed upwards and no milk is coming ou...


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