Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Baby Milestones.
My lo has been hitting himself in the head with his hands or an object. I can’t find a pattern, he just does it while playing or watching tv. Is this normal?
Should I be worried my baby isn’t imitating sounds yet? doesn’t copy any words/sounds I say to her one bit
I feel like my daughter is starting to show signs that something may be wrong with her. She always is looking like this unless she’s interacting with someone. Very zoned out and can still not hold her head up all the time. Has rolled over 2 times despite working on it for over 2 months. Not sure if she’s just tir...
My 14 month old is horrible with tantrums and crying. He's always trying to bite when he's upset and it's annoying. I have 1 month old twins and he hates that I give them attention .
Anyone else’s baby become super fussy around 4/5 weeks? Our little guy used to be so mellow and the last two weeks he’s been super hard.
I always feel bad putting her on her playmat during several wake windows a day, but does she know any different?
My 3 year old still isn’t talking and isn’t potty trained. His doctor says he has absolutely no signs of autism and appears to be intelligent. I’m however concerned by this. I know she is concerned with the speech as well as we did work with early intervention and he gets an iep at pre/k but still no talking.😢 He…
My 4 year old has started playing with his self when he lays down to go to sleep.
Ok, I NEED HELP...my 3 year old has been acting up at daycare. Not listening pushing his friends and today he was bitting and hitting. We are not eliminating screen time. Should I remove toys too? We have talked to him idk what else I can do. I am going to start looking for a hybrid job. So maybe I can give him more...
My baby sometimes taps on me while I’m holding her. I feel like she’s trying to tell me something that she needs from me. She also kicks with her leg on the floor while doing tummy time. Anyone else’s baby doing this?
My son will be eight months old on the 11th. He sits independently and He is kind of scooting around on the floor when he’s on his belly and he’s rolling but not crawling. I try helping him with things that other moms have said like propping him up on things and trying to have him do kneeling play, but he hates that...
I swear how does such a loud noise come from such a tiny little baby😂😂 my little one got her immunisations 2 days ago and all she's been doing it pumping and my god they've been loud, I've had to question if it was actually me 😂 even laying in bed now I can't help but have a little giggle because of how loud they…
Does your 4'23 baby speak words? If so, how many? Does your baby mumble more? My baby barely speaks 3 words. Mumbles and says "goolee goolee" often lol We're bilingual, but speak mainly English. He doesn't pay attention to how we say things either. How can I get baby to speak more? Is it my fault he doesn't speak ...
What were the first signs of autism in your child and how early om?
What are the signs for autism in a toddler as I've been getting people tell me my child is autistic
What are some 5 months milestones I should be looking out for ?
Any body’s 7 month old randomly shakes their head is it cause for concern or just a new milestone? It’s not very very often just occasional and not for to long
baby does a little heh noise but doesn’t know how to belly laugh yet. Should i be concerned?
Any advice for toddler who hates his pram. He can’t cope when it stops in the shops and then just has tantrums screaming
So my LO is 13 months and has been saying mama and dada since 7 months, he’s learnt new words since then but for some reason some words don’t stick. Like last week he was saying hiya a lot and now he isn’t and last month he was saying ta but doesn’t now. Does this mean anything or could it just be because he’s learn...