Community Posts, Tips & Support on Postpartum Care

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Postpartum Care.

We listen and we don’t judge

Ok mamas so all our babies are soon approaching 3 so idk bout yall but my babies getting into her tantrum throwing mean girl era and this is new because my daughter was always so sweet and kind I have veryyy little patience and I’m alll for the gentle parenting but it’s not working I don’t put my hands on her I don’...


How long did it take for you to feel back to a normal size after pregnancy ?

Worried about getting my body back and feeling good about myself


Healing from father of your child

Does anyone else get in there feels sometimes dropping their child off.. especially around holidays even if its just valentines day. It's been 4 months since I broke up with him i didn't want to but I had to



Has anyone hurt the child by mistake, this morning I fell down the stairs (which are very steep and dropped the baby so far down. Feel awful and so guilty. He has been checked over and he literally hasn’t got anything wrong with him even tho he this the wall at the bottom and then the floor. I’ve come out with broke...


My mom forgot I asked her to watch my daughter so I can go on a date tonight and so now I’m home, cancelled on the guy, and feeling super down. Haven’t been out in so long or had a break and was really looking forward to this.

I even bought a new outfit, did my hair, nails. I know she has a life but how can you forget 😕 and last week I told her I really needed a break and she told me she would help me.


Hair loss - I'm so done!

OMG I'm so done with the hair loss! I'm 4 months pp and it started a few weeks ago. I have loads of long hair, and I guess in proportion I'm not losing enough for it to be noticeable, but it's CONSTANT. HAIR EVERYWHERE. I can't stand it, there's hair everywhere I turn, as soon as I move, hair fall. I have to be care...


Mum guilt…

Just really hoping I’m not alone in this one.. I’m currently 39 weeks pregnant so I’m exhausted! But with a 21 month old toddler on board it’s tricky somedays, feeling so guilty and deflated this week as my toddler has been playing up and just not listening, (almost as if he knows lots of change is coming) I don’t h...


Mental health concerns

I worry about how my children will be effected by my partner’s and his family’s mental health problems. They’re not diagnosed but him, his sister and his mother definitely have a different experience of reality. It’s not so bad with him but with his mum and his sister it’s very concerning. His sister will swear up a...


Postpartum pain during sex??

I tore pretty bad when giving birth, it’s been 3 months and it’s still painful. Super dry and uncomfortable. Any tips or suggestions??


Am I cutting my nose off to spite face?

I’m due any day and I feel so deflated when it comes to my friends and family. None of them have asked how my pregnancy journey has been, offered any type of support/ help, even pretended to take an interest. My sister sent a care package at the start which was really sweet and I was super humbled and grateful, bu...


Postpartum hairloss

Please tell me I’m not alone in this. I’m losing SO much hair on a daily basis. It’s coming out in clumps and showing no sign of stopping. It wouldn’t surprise me if I ended up bald within the next week 😂. Can anyone advise if it’s normal and when should I expect it to stop? I’m laughing about it because if I don’t…



Help😩 I’m 35+6 and I’ve just developed two lumps down there. They’re so unbelievably painful. I’ve got germoloids cream and I’m using wipes instead of tissue when wiping. Also having baths. I’m just scared they won’t go by the time I give birth. How long do they usually take to go? They’re about the size of kidney…


Don’t want to have sex with my husband 8 weeks postpartum

My libido is there, I wanna have sex, just not with my husband. Before getting pregnant our sex life was fun and hot. Now, I just feel bored or grossed out by it. I enjoy masturbating but sex is just ughhhhh like a chore. I feel bad because I know he misses it. I’m just confused and I dunno if there’s something wron...


Newborn struggles

Baby is 4 days old now and tonight I feel horrible. The first 3 nights I wouldn’t say were a breeze but it felt like I kinda was getting the hang of things with the feeds and changes etc. I was able to nap between feeds and I felt good. Tonight has been so so hard. Baby has a stuffy nose and even though she seemed l...


Baby Fever

My little girl is only 6 months old and for the past two weeks I’ve been thinking “How hard can it be to have another one” any other mamas feel that way?? I’m about to be 22 and my partner and I both work full time and can support our family but I feel crazy thinking this.


Postpartum anxiety

How are you moms coping?


Need to vent

My mom is driving my insane. I'm a single mom with a 5 month old and live with my parents. My mom has always been very controlling of everything. She's constantly taking my baby from me and telling me what I can and can't do. Some recent examples: 1. I woke my baby up from her nap so I could feed her. I sat down wi...



Anyone else's husband/SO get upset or angry when they don't get sex after 3 days? It's been 3 days since my husband and I had sex and he's acting like we haven't had sex in a month. I just really don't understand it, and it makes me feel like I'm the bad guy. Has anyone else experienced this, and if so, how did you ...



I hate when people judge me and look down upon me because I am a baby mum and on top of that a single parent . Is like they think they’re better then me all because they’re not a baby mum . I shouldn’t let the opinions of random people effect me but sometimes I do . How do I not let it get to me ? I



Hello mommas, I’m 14+4 and I keep doubting myself, thinking can I actually do this? Can I give birth? Can I look after a new born? This self doubt is new and it’s giving me a lot of anxiety. Any advise please


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