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A place where you can get motivated and share helpful fitness suggestions.

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Incognito in Fitness

Which gym or home gym

I want to start working out again I have a 1yr old. I’m back at work and settling into work life again and the next step is going back to the working out! I’m debating what to do with my time and money now it’s a bit stretched

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  • Incognito

C in Baby products

Has anyone tried Form performance protein powder whilst pregnant?

I’m interested to find a protein powder that’s safe during pregnancy (if there is such a thing lol) this one looks pretty clean in terms of ingredients, has anyone tried this before?

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Incognito in Fitness

When does your partner go to the gym?

Now that I am a SAHM I feel quite resentful when my husband goes to the gym on his lunch breaks. I feel like I could really use the break myself. He's told me I can only go work out before he goes to work (so be back before 8am) or after baby goes to bed (8pm) Context - 10month PP Before I was pregnant I'd go runni...

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  • Incognito

Incognito in Fitness

When do you workout?

I’m a full time mum at the moment and currently go to mum and baby fitness classes a couple times a week, walk and run with my baby. I’m going back to work full time in March and I’m trying to decide when I would workout, join a gym or just do more running/home workouts. It’s going to have to fit around work and my lo

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Incognito in Weight regulation

Sign up for gym

I’ve finally done it and sign up and I’m so anxious bout going and looking stupid as I have no idea how to start as I’m focused on losing weight and what equipment to use and stuff and I don’t wanna look stupid doing it and any recommendations or advice would be majorly helpful ❤️❤️

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