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So it’s my nearly 3 year old birthday soon on jan 2nd 1 week after Christmas what do I get her for her birthday keep in mind that she has a 5 year old sister and a 9 month old brother I’m stuck big time Thank you
Our neighbor is a gardener and from time to time comes and mows our grass if he notices that we haven’t managed to take care of it as we’re busy. Today he waited for us to go out and collected and mowed all the leaves from our front yard (from his tree but still). We want to get him some gift as he would never accep...
What are we getting our Baby Daddies for Christmas. My husband has everything he needs he just goes and buys. He’s one of those. I know. Help me!!🥴🥴🥴
Xmas gift ideas for 21 year old girl besides gift card?…
What is better/more special do you think? Xmas presents all scattered under the Xmas tree with tags on, so kids have to find out who’s is each present, or their own presents in their own sacks under the tree to open?
Hi does anyone know what happens if I don’t collect my Vinted parcel from inpost locker , are they going to cancel the order and refund my money or release the money to the seller .
so tempted to get some bits in the black friday sales but only 11 weeks so not sure if it’s too early, anyone else feeling the same?? x
According to my 3yo we should get: Grandpa a teddy Grandma a card with hearts Great grandma 1 a pink box full of shiny gold coins Great grandma 2 lots of cards Great grandpa a Christmas teddy Daddy a new water bottle Mummy a new bottle of soap that is pink 😂
My son has asked for a bike for Christmas, he saw a red one he liked and I was saving up to buy it (single parent) but then a friend has offered me a brand new one for free, it’s blue, green and white. It’s gorgeous and I know he’ll love it. Buuuttt he keeps saying it has to be red. Do I get the red one or hope when...
What’s everyone buying their babies for Christmas? My lo has an older brother so has a lot of hand me downs so I’m running out of ideas on what to get him!
What are you getting your babies for Christmas?? So far I got some Rachel toys I’m thinking a toy box/bench and maybe a play kitchen but it says 3 years plus what you guys thinks ?? I wanted to get a tablet for the car cus she gets so bored but idk she’s too little. thinking maybe an alexa? What are your ideas ?
So I’ve decided not to buy my son any presents for Christmas this year as for one I cannot afford it and don’t want to go into debt buying him presents that I know I can’t afford and secondly his grandparents have brought him so much and his other grandparents normally give him around £100 as they won’t see him arou...
What do you buy twins for their birthday? One present they can share, a different present each, or 2 of the same present??
Urm so why is it so expensive??? I've been seeing every parent talk about getting it for Christmas for their little ones but this isn't affordable!!! Am I missing out on something? 65 quid for the box and then 15 quid for each cartoon after?? How's everyone got so many ???
I put a few things into our online cart and specifically wrote down the price of each item (2 weeks ago). Most items were decent prices but in my head I thought “wait until November 28/29. The total price will go down”😂🤣 guess what, the total price went up. It shot up!!!! The price on a toddler car went up. So, …
So a few days ago I posted a question about whether or not it was tacky to put gift suggestions on the invitations to a party for an adult. You all overwhelmingly agreed that yes this was very tacky. Today the boyfriend just texted to everyone and it said “Today is Black Friday so it’s a great time to get her a gift...
A) They are appealing, but not worth the hassle B) They are overrated C) I find better deals at other times D) I don't pay attention to them
I'm thinking of buying my little boy a tonie box for his 1st birthday in Feb. Would people recommend one? Are they worth the money, and what tonies would you recommend? Thanks!
Ladies I’m all out of ideas! We’ve been together 10 years and it’s hard not to repeat the same stuff over and over, he’s also freshly stocked on socks and boxers 😩 any stocking fillers/presents idea will be highly appreciated 🫶🏻
I have a 2 year old daughter who has taken an interest in mail. Given it’s Christmas time and what better way to celebrate than to exchange cards!! Would anybody be interested in doing this? Obviously nothing has to go in it just a basic and simple Christmas card to brighten our kiddos spirit.