Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Shopping & Home.
What are you buying? Hit me with ideas please!
Is anyone throwing aways girls toys and if so could I get them for my kids for Christmas please and thank you
I was wanting to know what all we’re getting our babies for Christmas. I’m at a complete loss of what I should get him for Christmas! He’ll be 3 months at Christmas
Present ideas welcome please!! (Not tonies box)
What is everyone getting their little ones for birthday/Christmas. My son is 1 on the 29th and i’m struggling so much because it’s so close to christmas. He doesn’t really like much unless it sings and lights up🤦🏼♀️im so lost with what to get him, he has got bits but i need more😂
My husband is so thoughtful! It was my birthday on the 5th but the gift didn't arrive until last night. He got me the exact Kobo Clara I spoke to him about months ago! I didn't send him any links! I had just added it to my Christmas wishlist on Amazon and was going to share it with any family that asked what I wan...
My lo only goes a day a week and does have a key worker but all staff in baby room look out for her really. Any ideas what to get gift wise? How much do you spend?
I’m a full time single parent with no support from my 3 year old son’s dad so money is tight. He has seen a bike he wants for Christmas so I’ve been saving up to buy it and been really excited about him seeing it on Christmas Day. My Mums friend has sent me a picture of a bike her grandson is giving away, it’s almos...
My LO will be 10 months old on Christmas Day! What sort of things are you buying your babies this year?
What are you all getting your partners for Christmas from your LO's??
Is anyone holding off until BF to buy their big items such as a travel system? Nervous if we wait either the deal won’t be very good anyway, or things will go out of stock 🤦🏼♀️😂
Has anyone’s little one got a tonie box and would recommend? If so which characters would you recommend and where is the cheapest place to get it?
Was thinking of doing painted handprints/footprints on a card for Christmas but what is safe to use
what are we getting our kids for Christmas? i have family asking and i havent gotten a clue😅
Please comment your positive and negative comments.
What do you typically do for your kiddos when it comes to gifts.. Do you use a certain wrapping paper for your gifts from santa or use the same wrapping paper for all of the gifts? Also - How many gifts do you do from Santa and what about the “big” gifts?
My little boy is turning 2 this month and I'm unsure if I've got him enough presents? Myself and my partner have got him; a toy Dyson hoover, a leapfrog book, hot wheels track and 4 cars and some toy dinosaurs He already has so many toys so we didn't want to over do it plus family and friends will gift our little...
Please can I have some ideas what you are getting grandparents Christmas presents?
I will have a 13 month old girl at christmas and was going to buy a little people farm as one of her "main" presents but my mum just told me shes brought it for her birthday (Tuesday) so i need something else instead. She has a 2 yr old sister so we have alot of bits already. What are people getting?
What do you do with any unwanted birthday presents folk has gifted to your child? First off I am grateful they even thought of us to buy something. My youngest has just turned 1 and been gratefully gifted presents. I’m in the process of gutting out the house and sorting kids room (1 bedroom). House is overall shor...