Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Shopping & Home.
My first time collecting :) Just proud haha
What would you buy if it’s not listed or if you have any ideas drop it in the comments
Mums who sell on Vinted what’s the best and cheapest way to package up parcels to send off?
I'm in 2 minds. I've asked my sister and she said she'd love the bag but she does have 1 similar already. She's a good kid and appreciates anything🥲
We told ourselves we weren’t buying anything till January/February… butttt we pick up our double pram up tomorrow😂 it’s the newer bugaboo donkey it’s £1,500 brand new with no footmuffs… and I’ve found it on marketplace for £300 with 2 extra footmuffs and 2 spare hoods in a different colour. I couldn’t really pass…
Anybody in England able to send me a copy of their last shopping receipt? We’re comparing cost of living to Switzerland (where I’ve movies to last year) and England. Deciding whether to move back home.
I know sometimes having your LO can be expensive when it comes to getting pictures so you can have memories I came up with this little idea and I just wanted to share with you guys 🫶🏽.. Table cover for 98cent at Walmart Spray paint (dollar store ) Pumpkins (Local grocery store ) Outfit (target)
What's everyone getting their babies for Christmas? My son's birthday is also the 26th he'll be a year old, and so far he's not really shown a lot of interest in toys right now he's only interested in household items and the odd things I have in our house. I don't want to buy a bunch of stuff that he's only going to...
Hi, what are people suggesting to family for Xmas presents, need ideas x
What’s everyone planning to get their soon to be 7month olds?? So lost
i need ideas for a girl that literally has everything & days out planned too !
I’m due in late feb and I wanted to get my partner something for Christmas from baby and I honestly can’t think of what to get any suggestions? So I can start looking and see what I can find 😅😅
What is everyone getting for their little ones for Christmas? I’m not going to go mad but would like to get a few things off Santa. 😊
I recently received a gift for my 2 year old with a label attached saying it was to another child from their aunt and uncle. It’s from someone I am quite close to, spent all of maternity leave with. I was a bit hurt by this, but husband says everyone does it and I shouldn’t be offended.
Was my husbands birthday today and my mother in law gave him a giant moonpig card with multiple photos on but just of him with our kids, dog and cats- absolutely none of me in at all.
Feel like we haven’t got enough gifts for our nearly one year old. We have got small bits like sensory toys, blocks, bubble machine, books etc but not a main present. I keep getting asked what we have bought him and feel like I should buy more. Any ideas?? What have you got your little ones? My parents have bought h...
I haven’t bought myself anything for a long time. I usually buy things for My husband and baby. And mostly baby. lol but today I want to get myself a little something and see if it gets me out of a little funk I’m having. What’s something you bought yourself recently that brought you a little joy
My son is newly 2 and I’m debating between the mini Yoto box or a Tonies box but I am literally stuck between the two. Which one does everyone recommend?
So I've been given a budget of about £200, I could maybe push it to a bit more to buy something as a treat for myself. But I can't think of what to spend on! I thought I wanted loads of stuff, but when I stop and think they are all things for my LO or the house and not specifically for me! Any ideas? What would you...
My son started pre school in September. I’m thinking ahead for Christmas as due 2nd baby on Christmas Eve and want to be organised. We are so thrilled and happy with his pre school and all the staff and want to gift them something. Thinking a voucher for like M&S so they can stock up on nice tea/coffee snacks for...