Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Work & Money.
Would you rather work at a job paying $12 an hour bringing in $500+ every 2 weeks or would you rather work gig jobs like GrubHub, Lyft, or Spark bringing in $500+ every week $20 an hour or so?
Just want to know if there is any cheap things to do during maternity leave, especially now that it’s starting to get colder. I live in borehamwood and my son is 4 months. I’m open to all suggestions. (Even if it’s expensive please leave a suggestion because I might be able to do the expensive activity at least ...
Does anyone else not got their child benefit on the same day/date every month? When I first had my daughter it was consistent and roughly the same time every month but now it’s all over the place. It’s not even the end of September and I already have the next payment. Also why is it never the same amount…? Like I ...
I desperately need some form of income. Does anyone have any side hustles or know of any stay at home jobs? Please let me know! TIA
Can anybody give any advice? I’m needing to look at pump kits that are reliable but won’t cost a fortune because my boyfriend has to buy it for me, there’s no guarantee I’ll get maternity grant, and even if I do I may not have it for another 5 weeks maximum so he’s needing to pay while We’re still getting used to wh...
my baby is 9month old i work omly two days which Saturday's sundag and my partner can look after her and am starting gcsc math english this gear soi dont knowwhat will be the timing for this but as far i know it will be around morning for couple of hour maybe 3/4 ,,so by this time he will be at work and he can pick ...
I’m totally skint and was hoping it would have been paid by now.
I am a support worker for autistic adults and one lady lives in the most disgusting environment you can imagine, my job is to clean it twice a week and empty her cat litter. She has soiled underwear and cat faeces everywhere and keeps all windows and curtains closed at all times. The smell literally burns your nose ...
How do y'all make it with no job? What do you do to bring income in? Or what would you do?
Hi all, I'm looking for some advice. I'm 27+3 and I gave my matb1 form in last week, but I am waiting to sort my maternity out with the admin department. I have just noticed that it has the wrong due date wrote on there 28/08/24 which was the date the midwife wrote it out. What happens now? I have an appointmen...
Ok so… I wouldn’t say I have a lot of money but I definitely don’t have enough to last me pay check to paycheck…. I recently got onto Vinted but only a small amount of my items have sold so far (I did only set it up yesterday so I’m not surprised). my LG is only 3 and 1/2 months old and I’m breastfeeding only So I ...
I took two weeks off unpaid before giving birth to my baby on the 5th of august. I have another week and a half before my supposed return back to work. I put in the claim for my leave a whole month ago and the insurance company has yet to process and payout my claim.. and my husband is also on leave atm. we literall...
So I've been getting around £750 ISH yet I've just had my payslip and for some reason this month it's £920? Any ideas?
I had to use my credit card to buy shopping.I mean,I don't know how to go on.i try,I work but its ridiculous..its almost like it's costing ne to stay in the job ,with childcare,traveling,God knows how I m gonna cope...its bloody scary.
Alright!! So any moms out there working from home and know of places hiring remote?
I am thinking of opening a bank account, does anyone know which bank is currently good with interest rates etc?
I’m starting to stress so bad. I’m not working cause I’m a month and a half postpartum with no vehicle at that but I’m in so much debt. My credit card is maxed out at 2k, I owe 18k in car loan debt to a car that got repossessed, and the best part is I got charged $600 the day I went into labor from the irs for appar...
Going back to work next week and Im crying my eyes out about leaving my baby😭 does this get any easier??
I am on medical leave until I give birth. I just got approved for my medical leave. Is this saying I only am going to get paid 16 hours per week? I am currently on hold with ESD, but I am hoping someone might have some idea. I am STRESSING.
Hmrc have stopped my free childcare because they have decided I do not make enough. My partner makes more than me and is 100% makes more the £184 a week required . Will I be able to apply with his details to get the free childcare? Or is the requirements based of two parents wages? If that makes sense?