Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Work & Money.
Hey ladies. I'm looking to switch career/ job to something i can do from home... does anyone have any ideas on good work from home jobs? Anything is appreciated... I just want to be able to be home more. I hope you ladies are doing well. 😊😊🩵
Be careful who you talk to as seen a girl in here after making multiple new accounts that will ask for money she has done it before and been called out on Facebook as a scammer too
I know we get our 15 free hours already but when are we entitled to the 30 free hours?
I have a question about the free government 15 hours. I’m looking at applying for it alongside filling in nursery application. Do i need to get the code before I apply for the nursery? Also I don’t know my exact return to work date will this matter too much?
Hey, anyone opted out their pension while they are on mat leave ? My wage drops from next month and just thinking should I opt out and save myself £250 that could really help? As I’m going to struggle on my half wage Just wanted to see if anyone else has done this
Hey any ideas on how to make money I wanna start selling something but I don’t know what I like to be creative I’m looking for some thing that requires -not an official job - no car -no computer -Not to expensive to start -Something that will make profit -not seasonal
Hey mamas!! My husband and I have fallen on hard financial times (lol who hasn’t to a point 😂) but I’m trying to figure out if there is some way I can contribute financially! I currently just stay at home with my 7 month old. I don’t have any family near and we can’t afford childcare. What are yall doing?? And…
For my Universal Credit moms - I need advice in relation to my UC claim. I’m having family and personal problems back home and will probably have to travel more than I would like to in the near future. I know we can’t be away for more than 28 days otherwise they close our claim. But what happens let’s say, if I’m aw...
Hey who’s looking to get into this industry and is stuck on how to go about it. Drop your snaps
Hi ! I’m 23 & a new mom to a 4mo boy. Although my baby daddy does help with the bills as much as he can, he recently started a business & there isn’t much income. The deal we made was that I stay home & take care of our son, and he will work. However, I’m afraid that until his business grows we won’t be able to affo...
My maternity leave is ending 😭😭 and I’m starting to think about when I would like to start trying for a second baby. What’s everyone’s thoughts on this for themselves or if you already have more than one, pros and cons on the gap, what ages work well together etc., I’ve heard 2 under 2 is a nightmare?
I was planning on doing my kit days 5 in November & 5 in December remotely to give a bit of a cash boost for Christmas. However, my manager has asked me that I can’t do them remotely and will have to come into the office. My baby will be 6 months old, exclusively breastfeeding & refuses a bottle. (We’ve not starte...
What's your thought on this study?? Are people scared to get married and or have kids because of the cost factor?? What’s the primary reason for the changes in household ?
So I’ve just resigned from my job via email (with resignation letter attached) bc I’m not returning to work after maternity leave. I’ve got an email back saying “thanks I will get that processed for you”. My question is, what happens now? I’ve given them one months notice even tho in my contract says I need to give ...
So me and my partner of 9 years have split up and I have a 3 year old and 7 week old our house is mortgaged and I’m only on maternity pay which isn’t enough for the bills I’m i entitled to anything? X
Anyone else worried about their health and potential life threatening complications in the Texas political climate?? I’m a Texan, but have moved away, and am moving back home to be near family and friends with baby- but I’m honestly concerned about my health care. I’ll be in Dallas
Hi ladies! 40 y.o FTM from NJ and am very confused regarding my temporary disability. I thought after birth, we get 12 weeks from the state? I had my baby on 8/13 via c section but my doctor put the recovery date as 10/18. Does this mean I won’t get paid after 10/18? I’m out on maternity leave until January, and sta...
How many days in a row do you normally stay at home?
Hey so, I took extended maternity and due back 7th Jan! My little girl is 1 on the 6th December. I’m getting no maternity pay, but applied for universal credit so I am getting that. I’m guessing my UC will probably stop when I go back to work? I’m planning on sending her to a childminder for 2 days a week, when ...
Hey May Mummas, how long have you taken maternity? Is anyone taken maternity and now deciding they don’t think they want back to work?