Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Work & Money.
When should I apply for child benefit I’m due in 62 days and not sure when I need to apply for it
Hello, does anybody know of any jobs going in maidstone? I have been looking for a few months now and it only seems to be nursery staff or care. I have retail experience and nursery experience, however nursery isn't suitable atm. Thanks!
My maternity is over but I don’t wanna put my baby in day care. Any suggestions for evening jobs or work from home jobs to do. He’s my first born & I want to spend a bit more time with him before I put him in child care 🥺😩
Currently on MAT leave, on stat pay, due back to work in the new year, if I was to find a job while on MAT leave as I don’t want to return o my of job, what do I do? Who do I contact to stop MAT payments, and do I contact work? There arseholes I won’t lie but I just don’t know how to go about it… Thanks!!!
For those working from home due to childcare, what reasons are you giving your job? I’m looking for a remote job, and I’ve seen a few saying hybrid with option to go fully remote but not sure what to tell them my reason is for being remote if they ask. For context, my baby girl is 7 months and I’m not ready to p...
Hi ladies, I want to know how we as Muslims can go about buying a home as the conventional way is interest involved. Its such a hard topic to navigate as some take the opinion that its allowed for a first home as there is no other way( unless you have a few hundred thousand £ under you mattress). I know there are...
Legit jobs please 😭
So I’m currently on maternity leave with no intention of returning to work on October 25th. Should I send in my resignation letter now? Or wait till the 25th?
I'm planning for baby number two, but I'm really worried about money. I'm not on the breadline by any means but I do worry about finances and being able to realistically afford baby number two. I'm part time now and my maternity leave pay was bad to begin with. In terms of baby number two, did your monthly costs inc...
I’m currently 25 weeks. I’m not entitled to statutory maternity due to only just starting my new job when I found out I was pregnant. I’m worrying already about finances. Does anyone know if there is anything else I can claim alongside maternity allowance? If so who I go to for help with this. First time mum to b...
Does anyone have any leads on remote jobs hiring?
If you apply for this grant post birth, is it okay to still send your MATB1 form as evidence? Would I need to enclose a written letter of child's birth too and get that signed by a professional? If so who would I need to sign this?
Anyone else not going back to work when their mat leave ends? My partners going to take over and pay all the bills but i just want to look for a way to earn extra cash on the side. I sell on vinted at the moment, and although I’ll have a good week on there now and then, an extra £30 a month isn’t really enough. TIA
I am a homeowner, me and my daughter have been living in our home for about 3 years now. I was going to get an apartment at first but my mom kinda talked me into buying a home, which i love but ive been experiencing alot of buyers remorse 🙃 its not for the weak at all, when people say that you have to make 3x your…
Hey guys. For background I’m based in England. So I worked for a agency while doing a training graduate program for a year (June 2023-June 2024) and then was meant to start my PhD which would of gave me a full time position within the NHS but due to pregnancy complications I had to defer for a year. The ward I was...
Single mum here with no child care help but have to go back to work when little one turns 3 ! How do u guys do it
I'm getting annoyed by the amount of people seeking for "friends" here only to try to recruit them for a Pyramid base business. Like, really!? I'm honestly disappointed at the fact that I'm looking for real people, friends maybe but I feel used when these women come at me with the "be your own boss" fraud business, ...
I know this isn’t a one size fits all answer but I’m curious to see how other blended families handle bills . Particularly expenses for step children .
Hi everyone, Looking ahead to when I’m going back to work in April and I was wondering what all you lovely people do to make this transition smooth. What top tips do you have to keep that work life balance? What things do you do to make your lives easier when you’re back at work? Is there anything I could be doing...
I’m in need of some advice or just connection. I work from home, and while I know it’s a blessing to have flexibility, I often find myself feeling like I’m not making the most of it. If you had more time or a more flexible schedule, what would you do with it? This is the dream. I landed two remote jobs. I am able t...