Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Work & Money.
Are any of yall working from home? What do you do for your job? Most importantly, how do you juggle your kid/kids on top of working? We are a 1 income household and I am 11 weeks pregnant with baby #2. I have to find a way to make more money for our family without paying out the ass for a babysitter/daycare. TIA!💋
Hi! So I applied for maternity leave when I was pregnant, and it says decision made: they couldn’t make a claim because they didn’t receive my ROE. Now I have sent in my paper copies of my roe. But now I have given birth and need parental leave. Do I have to apply again for parental leave? Since it says decision mad...
If I’ve taken a year off for maternity leave, must I return back to work for at least a minimum of 3 months? I’m considering being a SAHM but I’m wondering how I would navigate around that after maternity leave? Is there rules about this??? Can I work these “3 months” later?
Hi How do I go about getting my maternity notes from my two sons birth
I don't know if it's being pregnant or what it is but I have be assessing what I really want to do as a career. And know the job I'm in now won't be my forever job as I want more for myself and soon to be family. Some would say I'm living the dream with working from home but I'm starting to lose myself and getting q...
Hello! Needing some advice re Mat pay please! I'm starting a job in a few weeks but found out I was pregnant a few months ago with my second (I'm 9 weeks now). Is there any way of me being entitled to some kind of maternity pay? I understand I should've been in employment before I found out I was pregnant but I'...
Hi all, This question has probably been asked to death but I’m so confused over the 15 free hours! I don’t go back to work until till November when my LO will be 1…can I not apply for the hours to start in November ? do I have to pay until January then start then? Thanks
Hi Mamas! Does anyone have any useful advice or tips for us soon to be moms stuck at home to make a little extra money while we wait for baby? I got nothin but time and obviously a big expense comin!! Any help would be greatly appreciated!! Stuff we can do from our laptops or phones or even like customer service job...
How are people managing? I’ve bought 2 but after that not sure where I’ll get it from and I live in London!! It’s literally out of stock everywhere. I’m contemplating switching as Little One is 7 months old. Might just go for SMA for availability purposes any advice? Xx
Hey Yall! I’m reaching out to see if anyone here works remotely or has suggestions for remote opportunities. With my husband’s job currently on strike, I’m looking for ways to help support my family during this time. I have experience in administrative roles, event and project management, accounts payable, vendor...
Hey Yall! I’m reaching out to see if anyone here works remotely or has suggestions for remote opportunities. With my husband’s job currently on strike, I’m looking for ways to help support my family during this time. I have experience in administrative roles, event and project management, accounts payable, vendor...
Hello ladies, does anyone know what the rules are with leaving your workplace after maternity leave? I am due to go back to work soon but I have been offered another job else where, how long will I have to go back for in my current job before I can leave without paying my maternity pay back??
So Iv decided to not go back to the job I was doing pre baby. I’m instead going back to university to peruse something I really want to do. My boss has contacted me today regarding a figure of what I owe from my enhanced maternity. Before I went on maternity I put so much work into building my commission pot whi...
Hello, I submitted a change of circumstances and my MAT1B at about 24 wks pregnant I’m now 38. Just wondering what else I need to do, do I have to resubmit change of circumstance and upload birth certificate once baby is born? Thanks in advance, I’m new to all this 👍🏻
Can I just understand the difference between smp and ma? SMP is obviously much higher and how are we supposed to live on £184 a week? 😪
Hey! I was due to go back to work on the 30th sept (employed) therefore need to get my application finished today due to it now being within the 31 days of returning to work as it was on pending. I am now thinking of not returning back to my employed job but being self employed fully. I had two jobs employed and di...
…I did not realise that statutory maternity pay ran out completely 🫠 I totally misread the website and thought you get £184 a week till your leave finishes, not only till 9 months! I’m taking the full year off and just feel so dumb that I didn’t realise! I’ve been as careful with money as I can be but it all just…
Anybody knows who is hiring or how can you get an entry level job at the hospital I have medical experience it’s just in optometry and nobody in that area is hiring. It doesn’t matter the job I just need the money just got fired from Goodyear right before getting hired on because the lady on maternity leave came bac...
Hi Mums! Is it possible to land into a remote work nowadays? Which site do you go? Not an accountant and IT so im unsure if this is possible?
Does anyone work from home that's not a pyramid scheme? The thought of leaving this baby to go back to work makes me want to cry 😢🤣