Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Planning for a Baby.
Anyone had super strong tests at 4/5 weeks? I tested this week and got a 3+ on CB digital and a dye stealer on first response 😬
I’ve done two 6 day before missed period clear blue tests and both have come back positive. I did four fanicer tests off Amazon also 6 days early all came back negative. I’m due my period anywhere between Thursday just gone and -Sunday and cramping loads. I really hope this is a fluke!
I tried using the clear blue ovulation test this cycle. On all of my apps my expected ovulation day was the 5th. I followed the clear blue app and took a test on the 1st and 2nd that both showed low fertility but my test on the 3rd then said peak fertility. Does this make sense? I couldn't take another since it s...
So how long did it take for you to have a period after your last bleeding. And also I think my ovulation tests are playing up been taking them since pregnancy test was negative.
I only aim to have one or two childre in my lifetime but I am curious as to some of the reasons why women would want 3, 4,5 or more children. It is just a question to put out there as I'm curious
Got a few light positives and blood work is the 9th I'm so nervous for a negative blood test 😢it's going to be a slap across the face if negative
I’m 3 days late on my period so decided to take a test and the test has gone like this any idea why? The tests aren’t old as I only bought them two days ago..
Anyone else still dealing with PPA?? Mine is raging and I start feeling tingling in my body. It’s alarming so I wanted to see if anyone else has dealt with it?
Got my IUD out a few weeks ago as we were ready to try for #2. Doc told me it could take up to 3 months for my body to regulate again so it may not happen immediately. Am I hallucinating or do you see what I see?
So I just got bored and took an ovulation test, I know it’s negative but what got my attention is a line has shown up at all because I’m on the depo shot, does this mean anything at all? I know that these can detect pregnancy although I know aren’t meant to be used as a pregnancy test.
Probably a long shot but anybody here have experience with NewLife IVF clinic in Greece? Looking at travelling abroad for IVF as it is literally half the price than here in Canada (and that’s including flights and accommodation!)
Hey looking for anyone on the wait to test day after treatment?
I took two test this week once Tuesday and today “Walgreens First Step” 5 days sooner. The first one was Tuesday the second was today. It shows negative but the control line seems lighter every time. Has anyone experienced this? Or just retested with a pink dye. I’m so confused…
Hi all, how many days DPO is it normally for a positive test? Don’t want to go down the rabbit hole of testing every day!! I’m 5 days DPO xx
14DPO Hey everyone, I usually post anonymously as I have a massive fear of being judged. I posted a few days ago enquiring Line eyes for a pregnancy test. Everyone said positive and I just couldn't believe them Today I had a GP appointment so couldn't test with FMU, however I did one this afternoon instead and it's...
I feel like we need more good, strong hugs between friends and family.
So we're on month 4 of TTC after 2 miscarriages. I'm due on in 6 days currently 11dpo. 9dpo I had some pretty intense lower back cramps that lasted all day and thought of must be period but it's unusual of me to have them 8 days before my period. 10dpo no back cramps negative tests. 11dpo a tiny line if you really ...
Has anyone else had it where their ovulation never peaked
Hi, I had took this test today, it was negative, but then I went back and it turned into two lines. Idk how long I waited before I went to the br and saw it but could it be positive?
Hey everyone, Has anyone had any experience with this clinic for IVF? I’m contemplating using them next year, I’ll be 35 and my diagnosis is unexplained infertility. I’ve been through their website with a fine tooth comb but was hoping to hear of some real life experiences!