Community Posts, Tips & Support on Planning for a Baby

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Planning for a Baby.


So we're on month 4 of TTC after 2 miscarriages. I'm due on in 6 days currently 11dpo. 9dpo I had some pretty intense lower back cramps that lasted all day and thought of must be period but it's unusual of me to have them 8 days before my period. 10dpo no back cramps negative tests. 11dpo a tiny line if you really ...


No ovulation peak

Has anyone else had it where their ovulation never peaked


Dollar store test

Hi, I had took this test today, it was negative, but then I went back and it turned into two lines. Idk how long I waited before I went to the br and saw it but could it be positive?


Bourn Hall Cambridge?

Hey everyone, Has anyone had any experience with this clinic for IVF? I’m contemplating using them next year, I’ll be 35 and my diagnosis is unexplained infertility. I’ve been through their website with a fine tooth comb but was hoping to hear of some real life experiences!



Anyone else struggling? It hit me in waves with my first but with my second it's like every night. One night it got bad and I thought I was having heart problems. I used to never be anxious about anything. My 10 month old took a little tumble at the park, not even a bruise but I'm now in bed all but panicking abou...



Anyone’s husband/partner get a vasectomy?? How long after having kids did they get it and what was their recovery period? Asking because I’m currently pregnant with my second due in January and my husband has agreed to get a vasectomy since we both decided we don’t want any more kids. But we’re wondering how long t...


Advice please!

My husband and I are both Christian’s and will be raising our child in a Christ like home. A lot of my husband’s family are Hindu and prior to our son being born have said they want to take him to the temple. My MIL called my husband the other day and told him when I was in labour (which ended in emergency c-section...


Baby #2- 2 under 2?

My husband and I are going back and forth on when to try for another. My baby will be 1 on January 10th. I can’t decide if I want to get it over with since we just want 2 or wait until my baby is 3…. Any advice?


Darker or lighter ovulation

Would you say the bottom left line was lighter or darker than the top left?


Dye stealer at 19dpo

I had my first dye stealer 19 dpo. I didn’t test yesterday but I’m 21 dpo today and got a stronger dye stealer. A lot of posts say they didn’t get there’s until almost 4/5 weeks. Could this be a sign of twins? This is my IUI pregnancy 🤍


Ovulation Test Results

So i’ve got a “high” reading on my pre mom ovulation strip but my clear blue pink test is negative… BD today or wait? what to make of results? 🤷🏽‍♀️


This might be the sickest parent alive: a father injected his 11 month old with HIV hoping the child would die thus end his mandatory child support obligations.

For more context, the father was a phlebotomist, so he had access to collecting and illegal keeping the blood of patients who have AIDs. When the child was in the hospital for unrelated reasons the father came to “visit” his 11 month old. He told his ex he would watch their child so she could have a quick break. Wh...


Does it look like I will be close to getting my peak soon?

Started TTC baby number 2 this month, and I’m feeling all the feelings. I have irregular cycles lasting 30-40 days on average. I’m on cycle day 20 now so I’m worried maybe I missed it or something.


Am I pregnant?

Period started on 14th Nov and lasted five days. Ovulated on 22 Nov and had IUI on same day. It's 5 Dec and started pinkish bleeding but only very slightly. Not sure if it's period or implantation bleeding. My cycle is usually about 28 days. Did pregnancy test on 5th Dec but says negative. Could I be pregnant though?


Are any other ladies feeling called to skip pregnancy tests altogether?

Starting my two week wait:) This is my 3rd cycle ttc, the last 2 I didn't test, just waited for my period to come. I plan on doing that again. If I were to miss my period, I think I'd want to skip the tests still. Something about being in the mystery and getting to tune into my body feels like exactly what I'd need ...


Hcg 🥰

From 8.2 to 62.5 in 2 days 🥲 I found out at dpo 9 this is going to be a long journey



I’ve got my 8 week booking scan Christmas Eve. My last period was 29th October Does anyone know roughly when I conceived or ovulated? I’m so confused with it all


Did I do enough!

Hi guys, worried my timing was off. We had sex on the 1st and morning and late at night of the 3rd but not ovulation day which I’m assuming was the 4th… Worried I’ve missed it. Also worried about how short my surge was! Any insights? Thanks



Due date is the 17th so I'm 38+2 today had a cervical check and I'm still only 1cm😭😭 anyone else having no progress. How can I get this ball rolling asap😫


Rhesus negative

Anyone who has had the blood test to see what babies blood group is, how long did it take to come back? I had mine last Monday but still haven’t heard if baby is positive or negative. This is my 3rd baby but cannot for the life of me remember how long it took to come back with my other children


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