Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Fertility Treatments.
I’ve just had an appointment with a fertility doctor and he has said it is highly unlikely to be able to have a baby with my own eggs. It happens to just a couple of people in a hundred at this age. We’ve been trying for a while and starting to believe him. IVF isn’t an option due to low ovarian reserve. I’m feeli...
So, I’ve done two rounds of IVF. The first round we got a low number of eggs and whilst they all fertilised, non made it to transfer. Second round, we got double the number of eggs, half fertilised but only one made it to transfer and has resulted in a chemical. So my question is this, given that I will have to do a...
I’m thinking of requesting the addition of trigger shots to my medicated cycles (letrozol ) has anyone ever done something similar and is it worth it ?
I’m about to start ICSI in the coming weeks due to male fertility issues (1% sperm morphology) and I’m so TERRIFIED. I have an underlying immune issue and don’t know how the medication will react with my condition! I’m also just terrified of the entire process and was wondering if anyone else felt the same?! 🫣 I…
Gonna start IUI in January 2025 and I was wondering how many appointments are there and if there back to back would it be easier to go on leave or to request a week off
Has anyone got any honest reviews on this medication. I feel so fed up of not ovulating and wanting to have my second baby for over a year now and seeing everyone around me conceiving It's really starting to impact on my mental health.
Hi, I have just been referred for ivf funding with the nhs in bucks. From peoples experience, how long does it for funding to be approved & to actually start the process? Thanks 🙏🏼🙏🏼
Hi! My wife and I are currently on our 3rd round of IUI. If this is unsuccessful we are switching to IVF. Did anyone else make the switch? How long did you wait before starting IVF?
Hi everyone, seeing a lot of comments on here about doing unmedicated / natural IVF. How does that work? How many eggs do you retrieve from that, just 1-2? I’m awaiting my AMH results but I had 36 follicles at my last scan a few weeks ago post ovulation, so they’re confident it’s going to be high / normal range. T...
Hi! I was wondering if anybody has/had the Mirena IUD? Did you like it or not? Just wondering thoughts? Pros/cons? Just your experience. Looking at different birth controls. My oldest is 21 months and I just had a baby 6 weeks ago. :) thank you!
Hi I'm due to start ivf soon and been put on 350ml menopur and 2.5mg letrazole has anyone been on this stimulation and how did it go please
Hi all. When I started IVF way back in 2020, my clinic only checked my FSH levels at the start. 4 years later, I'm still having IVF and they will not check again, even though I am now in my 40s. Having researched online it appears AMH tests are more accurate, but my clinic doesn't do this test. I'm convinced I'm ap...
I’m about to give birth on October 18th and I have 2 sons who are 3 and 2 and 1 daughter who is 1. I don’t want to have anymore children lol I am exhausted, tired, drained, sleep deprived and the list goes on from the cooking, cleaning, running after kids, getting ready for nursery, laundry the heavy pregnancy bel...
Does anyone have any recommendations of IVF clinics to use in Europe please? I’m based in the UK and need donor eggs which I’m assuming is cheap abroad?
Has anyone used them ? Do they have any side effects ?
Hi everyone! Has anyone had an unmedicated frozen embryo transfer and it been a success? I’ve attempted medicated and the progynova completely wiped me out, I couldn’t continue on it. TIA xxx
Anyone have stage 4 endometriosis and were able to get pregnant? Just looking to hear some success stories. Some miracle stories. Looking for hope in darkness. Been ttc for the last 4 years. 3 failed ivf cycles.
...Other than the obvious. I have PCOS, I've never caught an LH peak and have periods every 5-6 months. My BMI is high (40). We've been TTC since Feb 2023. I can't have IVF help due to my BMI. OH sperm analysis was pretty normal. Has anyone been in this position and conceived? What did you do? I understand weight l...
Hi, wonder if anyone has similar experience. I just got the call from clinic and looking at quality of embryos they suggest transferring 2 the same time today midday to increase 5% pregnancy chance , it was a short conversation so didn't tell the grading. They are day 3 embryos. And we have only 3 embryos. Didn't ...
Looking for advice: if you could go back to the beginning of your fertility journey, what tests / doctors would you visit first, to save yourself time of trying. I am very inexperienced and only started reading about fertility. I used to have high testosterone and had a diagnosis of PSOc in the past, but haven't bee...