Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Fertility Treatments.
Have had 2 rounds of IVF with ICSI and from 25 mature eggs only 1 early blast which didn’t stick. Originally due to MFI but wondering if egg quality is a concern. Has anyone managed to improve egg quality and how? Have about 3 months now before surgical sperm retrieval to try and turn this around. Already eat well, ...
Has anyone gotten pregnant on the mirena iud ??
I’ve been considering getting a copper IUD. I’m 6 months PP and EBF. I haven’t gotten a period yet, so I’m wondering if I should wait to get the IUD? I also would like to know everyone’s experience with their IUD. I’ve never had one and I also haven’t been on any sort of birth control in about 4 years
I’ve decided to try and start a family on my own at 35 after a long relationship ended. Has anyone been through IUI in the UK? I have so many questions, how to find the right clinic, a donor, how many cycles, what to expect from hormonal boost and roughly how much it costs in total 😰 Any help would be so…
Has anyone got an IUD removal & if so how long did you bleed after the Iud removal ? I Have the mirena I bled for 5 Months straight when I got it placed, & really dont want to bleed like crazy after getting it out😭😭😭
Who all truly believes this helps? Last time I tried it I did get pregnant.. I do really want to get pregnant again… sooo I’m taking it a 9am and 9 pm… my fertile window starts in 3 days so I’m preparing my body!!! Last month I had a positive that faded away to nothing so I just really hope this month is MY month ...
Has anyone’s husband/partner had the snip on the nhs? If so is it easy to do or do you have to wait ? I’ve got twins and a three year old girl and defo do not want anymore, my partners not really up for the snip but i’m gonna put his name anyway! literally feel like i’ve done my part and it’s his turn to do somethin...
Not sure if I will get any embryos yet but had 16 eggs collected. Any advice how to prepare and improve my chances for transfer? Xx
When I had my first pregnancy scan they found Fibroids. Pregnancy was great besides that, I was advised in order to get pregnant quicker next time it would be best to have them removed which I’m not against. I just wanted to know if there’s any Mums that has dealt with fibroids and also whether they got them remove...
I’m feeling so discouraged. I am 9 days past IUI and it is still negative. Anyone have any success storied after 9 days past their IUI?
It’s my first time doing IVF so a little clueless. I had a fresh transfer on 3 July of a 5 day embryo, then had bloods taken on 9, 10 and 11 July (so 6dp5dt, 7dp5dt and 8dp5dt) which I know is early but it was because I was going away on a trip and wouldn’t be able to do bloods later. They came back as hcg= 4, then...
Hello! I just thought to introduce myself as I am new here. I am 5+2 (first pregnancy). I have been going through IVF treatment for a year now so I could not believe my eyes when I finally saw my positive. I am due end of March 2025. I would be happy to share this journey with you ladies 💖
AF has just arrived at 12 days post insemination from first IUI. I took gonal-f injections and trigger shot pre-IUI and duphaston tablets (progesterone) post IUI 3x day. My app is saying my luteal phase is too short at 11 days. For context, I am 37, have mild endometriosis and have been trying for 19 months without...
Has anyone done IVF while still smoking the flower or the pens? I smoked on the pen for the last 3 weeks and I’m starting IVF soon…. Any difficulties? Any advice?
Hi! Had my embryo transfer today, my progesterone was low at 43 when they want 50 😭 so I have to take the injections now but am so nervous because I’ve heard they hurt the worst. Any tips before I do my first tonight?
Anyone have experience of pregnancy soon after depo contraception injection wore off? How long it took etc? Thanks in advance ☺️
Has anyone used this service before? I am looking to get fertility testing and wondered if they are a good place to start? Or has hertility been helpful for anyone? X
Hey everyone! I just found out I have a hydrosalpinx and need to get one of my fallopian tubes removed and a polyp in my uterus removed as well. I did IUI with my first baby boy and now going forward with this diagnosis I was told IVF is the best route. Has anyone had a similar diagnosis? I have been a mess all day.
Absolute devastation is an understatement. Would anyone know why this would be? Could it be lifestyle related? Diet? How can I prevent it from happening again? Will it happen again? I’m only 28 years old so I didn’t think this would happen. This was also my first retrieval as well. And just a side note when we were...
Anyone planning to go IV and heplock free for comfort? My midwife said I could and said if emergency arises that they can get a shot of medication and figure it out but as a low risk pregnancy I really want to avoid it so I can be more comfortable and move freely . I have bad tint veins that roll and it’s always suc...