Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Fertility Treatments.
How bad is it. Is it that bad. Do you have it, do you like it, hate it, give me details. I don’t want any BC but my husband will not get a vasectomy. That’s the only non hormonal one, but I know it makes periods heavier. How bad is it really. Also pls tell me honestly how bad the IUD placement is bc that’s my bigge...
Our reason for IVF is male factor but I do have a very low AMH in my early 30s and responded poorly to stims. We have one embryo is the freezer so one shot as it took several rounds to get this embryo. Does anyone have any advice or experience re medicated or non-medicated FETs? - anything in particular I should con...
Has anyone had success with a 4BB? is it a good grade? We have a day 5 embryo graded a 4BB & day 6 graded 3AB left. Our successful transfer, resulting in our child was a 5AA and we had a miscarriage with our 4AB. I had a internal scan today to make sure my body is ready for FET and it’s all good to go but now I’m o...
Has/Does anyone have secondary infertility? I know I'm extremely fortunate to have one child, but our dream of having three (optimistic!!) Seems to be on hold. We've been trying for 9 months now, tracking ovulation, tests, doing the deed every other day over my peak and we haven't caught at all. The doctors are sa...
Struggling to conceive for 18 months, bloods have revealed low progesterone. Waiting for my partners sperm results, is there anything I should be doing or taking to help? We do have a 3yr old, conceived without assistance
Has anyone used an Oura ring to help them conceive? Tried BBT tracking with NC and I was rubbish at remembering in the morning 🙈 Would love to hear stories! ♥️
I was prescribed inhixa injections following an elective c section and I’m now on day 10 of taking them. Before my c section I knew I was going to have to take them but every doctor and consultant said I score a VTE of 2 and would only have to take them for 10 days. 1 point for elective section and 1 point for my BM...
I have been trying to get pregnant for over a year now without success so at this point I am willing to do anything it takes. I just purchased Conceive Plus ovulation support supplements and it has good reviews. Has anyone tried before?
I’m currently on meds for our next FET in a couple weeks time. We have 2 embryos, 1 is a day 6. When we had our consultation I asked if we should transfer both of them but it was recommended to us just to transfer 1 but ultimately it was our decision to make. We decided to go with the recommendation from the consult...
I have completely forgot to take my last injection (yesterday) and only just realised now. Does anyone know if I can take this a day late or any advice?
How long after removing your hormonal IUD did you fall pregnant?
I'm 20 yr old and me and my husband have been trying for 2 yrs. My obgyn said I'm ok but don't ovulate every month. What did you do to help get pregnant?
10 days past iui. Hopeful that this one worked! These lines are hard to see but they all popped up within 2 minutes
Has anyone tried any at home IUI systems? I've been looking at a few to try. Which have people tried and what's you're views on them? Did they work etc? Thank you
Overjoyed it’s my last day of injections following a successful transfer. 10 weeks, 200 injections ✅ 🐣🌈 My liver is particularly happy to get her life back, processing so much hormones was quite a task.🤘 Every woman who goes through an IVF is a hero. Wish you all a ton of resilience and hope your dreams will come…
Im generally concerned about fertility. im from the UK. How can I get a check up or find out? Will the GP help me has anyone had any experience with this?
We’ve decided after two years of unsuccessful ttc to start our IVF journey in March, but choosing the right clinic. I’m very apprehensive about having a bad experience, this is such a sensitive and emotional journey that it’s hard to throw so much effort and money to people who are not invested in you!
Hi everyone, it’s yet another month of disappointment after ttc for 2 years, trying everything possible and knowing that the only known factor against our favour is an AMH of 4.3 makes me feel like a failure. Looking for success stories of women who succeed naturally despite a low AMH, and any tips or advice that ...
Did any conceive there twins via ivf?
I’m currently going through fertility investigation and I have been asked to do a number of tests e.g HIV, hepatitis. I have been told to get it done on the NHS but my doctor is refusing. Their view is, we can afford to go private, therefore we can pay to have it done privately- when in reality, we are getting in m...