Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Ovulation.
How many days past ovulation did you get a positive pregnancy test?
We're exhausted 😩 Did it on day before peak, peak, ovulation day and 1dpo.
I am still a week away from period. I think I ovulated early. Do you think it’s a faint early positive or evaporative line?
Will your doctor just straight up tell you if you can be sexually active again or do you have to ask I feel like that would be awkward
Some advice would be great! I am having all the signs of ovulation. Woken up with a lot more of egg white discharge today,cramping a lot more than normal this time round, headache (not usual), stretching sensation feeling around my stomach (not usual) and according to my app I’m meant to be ovulating but my LH leve...
I’ve completely skipped my period but getting negative pregnancy tests (early result). Is it possible I’m pregnant? I know it’s common to have irregular periods, but I’ve been taking letrozole that past 2 months to induce ovulation. And I know I ovulated last month cuz I took an ovulation test. I’m just confused and...
If I got pregnant on my period ( irregular cycle) when should I test for pregnancy.
We’ve decided to go ahead with trying for baby no.2. But have no idea where to start! (Hear me out I know that sounds weird 😂🤣) So I’ve been taking the mini pill & my periods are still very irregular I get one every 2 or 3 months. (I’ve always been irregular though just not that long) Obviously I’ve stopped the…
So I have the implant, my periods are always spot in so regular! I track it and I know my before symptoms. IM 10 DAYS LATE!! 🥴 what do I do surely I can’t be….
Posting this to hopefully help others, I’m not unrealistic that I had some type of luck (both times as it’s my second pregnancy). 1. I had a goal of when to start trying months ahead and for the 4 months prior I tracked my periods using the clue app and tested for ovulation with strips to get an idea of when it wa...
I’m 9DPO and just wondering what are my chances of conceiving this cycle. 29th was my highest LH level.
I had a strong positive ovulation test yesterday but today its alot weaker, so do I need to do it today aswel? X
Based on these ovulation strips when should I take a test? I’m 10 months pp
Currently 5 dpo/cd 18
Both pictures taken just after 3 minutes processing and within the 10 min window. It was a cheap test from Superdrug but the plastic window really obscures my view, it looked scratched. As much as I tried squinting and holding it in different lights, I couldn’t see past it. So I opened the test up straight away. I...
Help please… I’m so bad at knowing when is what… I had this positive ovulation test this morning… does this mean egg is released and it’s too late? Or that egg is getting ready to be released? 😬 how long am I fertile for before it goes away? Been doing this for months now but still not too sure … thanks:)
So I’ve been STEADILY tracking my ovulation every day, twice a day. My levels keep rising despite having already “peaked” I’m on CD 14 so I have no idea if that initial “peak” was a fluke or what. Does anyone have any guesses? I’ve been having symptoms of pms/pregnancy… so I have no idea if that’s just ovulation inc...
Is this too faint.. to be fair in previous pregnancies I find out by 9dpo but I believe I ovulated around day 21 which is way later than usual
Hi all, I am feeling so defeated and sad. My husband and I are going on month 5 of trying which I know isn't a long time. We have had a hard time with timing this all properly but I was super excited that this month we consistently BD during my fertile window. Jokes on me, I never ovulated and still haven't. I got...
I’m unsure what dpo I am as I think I ovulated later but on rough I think I am 10DPO however I took these and an so shocked by the internet cheapies coming up instantly with faint positive even clear blue and my frer is negative I mean I can see a squinter that the camera can’t pick up Anyone have the same thing ha...