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Realistically what is the earliest I could get a positive on a test? Trying to hold out for as long as possible but I’m only 5dpo and struggling to not test already 😂😭
Pic taken 4 mins after. No flash. For some reason it’s easier to see it through photo than real life Btw im 10 days late!!
Line eyes or a very early positive? Have pcos but period was expected 28th/29th ish 🤔 Plan to re test in a few days 🤞🏼
Do these look dark for being 13 days past trigger shot? Compared it to other tests on this day from past cycles and it's definitely darker. In past cycles I always got a negative again by 14 days past trigger. doctor said that the cycle was perfect so l'm really really hoping this is our time.
Got a positive last night to then have 5 test negative this morning. I don’t even no what to do no more I’m so devastated I feel like I’ve lost something I never had. I got so excited seeing the positive 😔🤦🏽♀️ when will it be my turn 💔
I took a test last Saturday and it was very faint positive. I officially missed my period on Monday and took more tests both of which were again faintly positive. I’ve waited another two days and took another test today and the line still has not progressed, should I be worried? Photos in comments
I’m over a week late for my period … I have been very stressed from a house move so I’m hoping that is the reason! I’ve done 4 negative tests … has anyone ever had something similar ? I don’t want to be pregnant and I’m so stressed worrying about it
Why did I test positive last night before going to bed like at 1:30am And negative this morning at 8am then 10am ? Has this happened to anyone ??? Im so worried, what should I do? This is my first positive ever!
I’ve heard mixed things about this brand so can’t decide/ don’t want to get my hopes up. 10 and 11dpo
Me and my husband have been trying for our 2nd baby for a year now. I have been trying to track ovulation myself and didn’t mange to get a positive LH test in months. I went to the doctor and they said hormones were normal, and physically everything looked and felt fine. December came and I finally got a positive ov...
It may be obvious but I think I’m in shock and denial. Is this a positive test?
I tested positive for the first time at 9dpo on 16/12, got 1-2 on clear blue on 18/12, then 2-3 weeks on 25/12, however tested again on clear blue today and I’m stuck on 2-3! Given how early I got my BFP this isn’t likely to be good news is it? I’ve got a scan at epu on Saturday due to having recurrent miscarriage p...
I did a pregnancy test yesterday and it was negative (we aren't trying & we use condoms however before he always likes to start without and then later puts one on, he's always finished in the condom) So I don't think I'd need to retest? I had a bad cough and cold recently and have been on the go over Christmas, coul...
Evap or positive???? Currently 4 months PP. with 2 under 2 which was planned but a 3rd wasn’t for a while 😅😅😅😅 been having “periods” since my 2nd and only had one a couple of weeks ago. I only tested tonight as I’ve been soooo hungry and fancying weird foods!
So yesterday I took two pregnancy test both were positive. This morning I started bleeding. Is this normal or is or possible to get two false positive test? Anyone else go through this? PS my period should have started last week.
9days post sex and took two ultra early tests one last night and one this morning (I’m 4months pp and no period as BF) Is this a positive or an evaporation line. I think it’s an evaporation line but just wanted to get some second opinions😂
So on the 30th November, I had a massive bleed and the nurse confirmed my HCG levels dropped. We have been basically been using protection as we were not planning to conceive this December but weirdly something felt off so I took a pregnancy test. The problem is my tests are coming up 3+ and the dyes are becoming dy...
Hi ladies would this be classed as an evap line or positive
Any mamas not done any extensive blood work done yet? I have done an HIV test, Syphilis test and urine test and I am currently 30 weeks pregnant and they recommended I get more tests done.. I am curious to find out if it’s too late or if it’s perfectly normal to get blood work done this late in pregnancy
Had slight nausea, increase in appetite and weeing more at night but no other symptoms, no sore boobs. Not overly tired. But got a bit of one sided cramping. I did the other tests in the afternoon but this mornings one (the bottom test) with FMU. I did however wee 3 times in the night. Will this affect this? Had...