Community Posts, Tips & Support on Pregnancy Tests

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Pregnancy Tests.

I’m so confused!

Following on from the other day when I had one positive test and one negative test, I’ve now just started my period. I’m just so so confused. Any advise etc is much appreciated!


has anyone had false negatives with first response?

my period is 10 days late (but i’m breastfeeding and have only had my first period last month, 12m pp) but i’m 99% sure i’m pregnant. i’m peeing twice an hour, overly emotional, nauseas, light cramping, growing hair on boobs (those hormonal changes lol), exhausted, and out of breath. some of those are clear pregnanc...


Advice needed on pregnancy tests post FET

Trigger warning: potential pregnancy. Please help calm my irrational brain because I think I am incapable of thinking logically right now. These are my 8 and 10dp5dt tests after a double embryo transfer. The line was much stronger at 8 days - should I be worried this is the start of a chemical? My OTD is tomorr...


Dark line

12 dpo however had faint lines last month but thought was negative not sure how many weeks I am what do I do


Am I out?

I’m 11 DPO today and have tested negative today, it wasn’t an early detection test. I’m due on today. Am I out?


Can anyone see a line

I’ve used negative app also original is in comments


Light tests

Anyone else had tests at 5 weeks still this light? With my first id had dye stealers by now According to last period I am 5 weeks today


Clearblue test

Anyone still getting 2-3 weeks on clearblue or got this showing when they were almost 6 weeks? I’m 5+6 today and worried


11 dpo + negative tests

I’m 11dpo and have had extememly sore boobs and vivid dreams for the past couple of days but negative pregnancy tests? Is it too early to test? My period is due in 5 days


Start to panic?

These are mommed 25miu tests so not very sensitive, but the lines staying the same. Bottom one is compared to a 10miu easy@home a few days ago for comparison. I have read some reviews that these tests don’t get dark dye and never get dark lines, but I can’t help but panic. Anyone with any experience of these tests? ...


Clearblue early detection - line?

I am 9 dpo so very early to be testing - I think I see a line. I normally use the easy at home. Worried this may be an evap line?



Since last Saturday I have been having faint positives everyday but also negatives. Please see the faint positives on different days in the comments. It’s been a week and it’s still the same. I get negatives too but atleast one faint positives, not necessarily with fmu. My periods are 5 days away


First response

Has anyone had issues with first response. I just bought some test and the control line is squiggly idk if it’s faulty or normal



definitely a faint line but i always get so worried with these tests that it’s not real🥲🥲


Line progression

How long did it take everyone to get from a faint positive to a very dark obvious positive? I got a very faint positive on Wednesday and don’t feel like my lines are progressing enough 🥺excuse the amount of tests there is since Wednesday I’m stressed😂😂


Am I the only one ?

I feel like I always get faint lines. But I’ve never used this brand before and this is the first time using I’ve seen this. Is this an evap or? I feel like I’m incredibly unlucky to see these 😭 Just looking for a positive. But thinking it’s wrong.


line eyes

Update took another test and it’s negitive not sure what happened. No idea on my DPO but possibly 8?? I’ve taken a pregnancy test and ovulation test and I got 2 lines on my pregnancy test with in 2 mins but just taken another and it’s negitive. Obviously I’ll go buy another in the morning but I’m so confused. Is it...


These all look negative don’t they ?

8 dpo and 9 dpo tests …


Should I see a doctor? (pregnancy vs pms)

No period this month. I am now on day 50 of my cycle. I took a test on day 40, and it was negative. Since I have days where I experience what feels like my period coming, then nothing. I've been experiencing this faux period paid since, like, day 28 of my cycle. I also have been getting intense lower pack pain, an...



I am 9 dpo today and just took this test does it look positive to anyone else or just me I have to retest tomorrow morning but this is all I see right now🥺


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