Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Pregnancy Tests.
Hi, I’m currently pregnant and just asking this as I got my period and the day it finished I went abroad to visit family( without my husband) for a week and then a week after coming back I had a positive pregnancy test which showed 3+ weeks. In regards of my dating scan, it says that I would’ve gotten pregnant the d...
Can anyone see a line on the top I definitely think I can then tested again with a digital a few hours later and negative. Could it be too diluted?
I had some light bleeding today - around 10DPO. Thoughts?
Feel like I could maybe see a lighter bit when I inverted but maybe not
Hey there ! I’ve been testing for the the last few days and at 9dpo I’ve noticed that on my AM tests I see nothing but on my PM tests I’m seeing a faint line. Has anyone else ever had this ?
Every month just keeps getting harder
Took a test a few minutes ago and NO result???? Not even the control “not pregnant”??? All that wasted pee 🥲
TTC I took a pregnancy test this morning with a boots digital test it said positive I have just took another pregnancy test with a clear blue rapid result this wasn’t digital and it says negative this is very disheartening should I wait and then test again in the morning or wait a few days my period is two days late.
Has anyone had 3 positive tests followed by 1 negative? What does this mean 😭
Still five days to go. Early one said not pregnant got told to try these.
I’ve never had a late period before my AF is now 3 days late, and I tested this morning with FMU negative ,so I must just be stressed , do I wait for my periods to restart before trying to conceive again ? Or seek medical advice as this is very unusual for me and I’m 34
I'm due on today got mild cramping like I normally do is this normal even if I got a faint positive
Is this a high test? Look like it to me but according to the Premom app it not. Test line is almost as dark as control line.
Is this almost positive? I ran one for fun. Promised my husband this round I would test until I missed my period. Well currently only period and this looks like it's going to peak soon
I recently got 3 positives, the digital came through at 2-3 weeks, however using NHS website, and the flo app, with the first day of my last period, they predict I’m 6 weeks tomorrow… why is this 🤣 I feel like I should know the answer because I already have a 4 year old, butttt I just forgot how everything works! Ha
I got my first faint positive 9dpo on a frer, then at 10dpo a stronger positive on frer in the morning, then that evening a digital ( said 1-2 weeks) I've had several positive since they are looking darker, no matter when I take them. But I can't help but think I'm getting ahead of myself. Period is due in two da...
So I just had a baby almost 6 months ago and haven't had a period yet. I take pregnancy tests on a regular basis. They come back negative. How long did it take you guys?
Day 5 of late period and still negative test, how long do I wait until I know for sure I aren't pregnant? TIA
I took two tests today , one in the morning and one in the afternoon... I can see faint lines in both the tests took at different times. So I RAN to boots to get a clear blue digital test as I feel like I can only believe it if I see the words PREGNANT. But the test came back not pregnant, I'd held my wee in for 5 h...
Negative, due on in five days, what’s the chances? Am I out this month? X