Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Pregnancy Tests.
My boyfriends skeptical after our miscarriage in september. I’ve had faint but visible lines on 4 different pregnancy tests today and yesterday, this morning I took a Clear Blue ultra early digital (the one with the red stop light) and it’s saying Not pregnant. Slightly frustrating, as i can see lines on all my oth...
How reliable is the AI checker on that pregnancy test checker app? I’m just curious because it’s saying that there is a test line visible however I can’t see it with my eyes and don’t want to get my hopes up! X
Is this invalid or positive? It showed up immediately. I did order more Tests but to ease my mind I wanted to know if this was positive or not!
Is this an evap line or BFP? Unsure with the line being thicker/blueish. Will be testing again in the morning but been on my mind all day today.
Is this positive or an invalid line? It showed up immediately within seconds.
Does this look positive? 🤞🏼 I’m sure it is but then the more I look at it the more I worry it’s an evap line 😭😭
Does this look positive? 🤞🏼 I think it does but I’m now worried that it’s an evap line 😭😭
Does this look positive??? 🤞🏼 I think it is but getting worried it’s an evap line 😭
i did a pink dye test and it was very faintly positive, and then i did a couple of clear blues and they were all negative. what to trust?!
I’ve been taking a lot of plan b too so idk if that’s what’s causing my periods to be off but I got 2 periods in the same month then my periods are less than 20 days. I’m worried something is wrong. I’ve been cramping and I feel like my period is coming but nothing.
Just some context I am 5 days late from my period I’ve had cramps, lower back aches and brown spotting (implantation bleeding) over the last two days. Does this look like a positive? Also I’ve had a similar issue in September where I tested positive a week after my period and it ended in a chemical pregnancy. Not su...
I’m about 2 ish weeks late, I took this test this morning first thing I noticed the faint line after the time window was up but I read strip tests don’t have dilution lines? I also took 2 more tests later in the day but I figure since the first was so faint that maybe I’m too early for it to appear later after I’ve ...
Anyone else get negative blood work and ended up pregnant? My last period was in September. I am feeling nauseous and have sore boobs and white discharge a lot.
I am 9dpo today and took an early clear blue and it’s negative. Is there still a chance if the early test is negative? Don’t really understand how much HCG you need for some tests. I know some require more or less.
Period is 2 days late. Very little to no symptoms. Had a chemical pregnancy a couple of months ago and very questionable ovulation results this month. Is this positive? Should the line be this faint for being 2 days late TIA
Can anyone tell me if this I positive or an evap line? I've posted on here 3 times! This was Friday morning! I did another that was faint. A digital that was negative. I will post those pics. My positive test from my first pregnancy is the 3rd picture
Please god no! I only tested because I’m due a mounjaro dose. I’ve never used these tests, I keep thinking I see a line but not sure if it’s a shadow from the window
I’ve been getting faint positives for 2 days now, so decided to pick up a 6 days day earlier digital test. I done both of these with the same urine and digital says not pregnant? I’m 10 dpo
Please god no! I only tested because I’m due a mounjaro dose. I’ve never used these tests, I keep thinking I see a line but not sure if it’s a shadow from the window
Can you still get a positive 11dpo or would you have had a positive by now?