Community Posts, Tips & Support on Pregnancy Tests

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Pregnancy Tests.

Why does this look like this

Do I need to re test or is this just negative


7 days late, testing negative

I am 7 days late and testing negative. This is only my first month trying and for some reason I’m having the longest cycle I’ve ever had. I’ve done 6 pregnancy tests over the last week and a half and all negative. I’ve been having cramps for the past 3 weeks but my period just hasn’t come. Has anyone ever experience...


If you’re Resus negative - did they test for baby’s blood group on the 12 week bloods?

If so, does it show up on the badger app?? I’m O- and in worried they forgot to check


Pregnant? Or no?

I am on day 42 of my cycle My ovulation was August 3 checked with test Spotted for 3 days at the time I was supposed to start my period Have taken tests but they are negative (waiting until next week and taking another) I would be 6 weeks pregnant but still not testing positive? I called doctor & they said possibl...


Natera problems

Ugh I'm so tired of seeing this dang screen when I go to check on my test results! I've had this screen for days now and its been almost a week in business days since they received my sample but yet it tells me there's no active tests yet ik there is. Anyone else have this issue?


Confused and anxious

I got my periods this morning and then suddenly it stopped. Didnt get any blood throughout the day Which is very unusual for my cycle I get 3 days medium flow My period was due on 3rd and my cycle length is 26 days Also i got positive line in pregnancy teat yesterday Is it normal in TTC journey ? Please help.


Dark colored evap pregmate

So we aren’t currently trying I just took a test yesterday bc my daughter kept playing with my belly and I had terrible heartburn. My lh did go up a little bit yesterday too. I just got off birth control a few weeks ago after 7 months being on. But I walked away from the test and forgot about it when I came back it ...


Pregnancy test

Is this positive ?


5 day transfer

Hi everyone! If you tested earlier or decided to test out the trigger shot, what day did you get your first positive after a 5 day transfer? Thanks!


Possible chemical?

I'm wondering if it's possible I had a chemical pregnancy earlier this month. Symptoms wise, I had some major cramping around 10dpo but didn't get a chance to take a test as AF showed up a couple of days early. Yesterday on cycle day 6 I went to take an LH test but took an HCG by mistake. I haven't used this brand o...



Is this positive or negative?


Negative test 🙁

Second day of missed period and fmu and still showing as a negative test, should I stop testing now and try again next cycle?


Negative Blood Group

Has anyone else been told they have an RhD negative blood group, and will need anti-D injections. I was thinking of opting out of this because both myself and my partner are negative blood groups. Has anyone else done the same or is in the same position as me?


Period a month late but not pregnant?

I had my baby almost 10 months ago, I got my period back at around 5-6months PP and it’s been pretty regular since, maybe max 5 days late. This month I missed my period but I’ve taken multiple pregnancy tests and they are all negative. Is this normal?? I tried making an appointment with my OB but they can’t get me i...


Couldnt resist so did a clear blue test

Now what do i speak with my doctor cos according to my app I'm 4 weeks and 3 days as it calculated from the first day of your last period


Feeling so frustrated!!!

Feeling so defeated right now. My LH strips are being so confusing. Btw I did test before cd15 I just didn’t put them in the app but they were all negative. I don’t understand how my tests can go from getting high to completely negative. Help 😭😭



Hi can everyone please give me some advice I’m really struggling I’m due on my period tomorrow I got a positive clear blue but negative everything else can anyone tell me why or if they can the same problems?


Pregnant or just a evaporation line?

So I’m due my period in a couple of days…and I just had the feeling I was pregnant. So I took a clear blue 6days early test( which you can take before your period is due). I read the result after three mins as recommended, BUT there was no line in the window. However after a couple of hours passed I checked the test...


Pregnancy test question

Did anyone get a negative pregnancy test the day before missed period but then go on to get a positive? Looking for hope 🙏


Anyone feel nauseous before testing?

Oh my god, I gagged at the sight of the grimace milkshake from McDonald’s earlier, actually made me feel sick. I’ve never been this bad before my period, and I’ve been gagging all week over nothing, just like how I did when I was pregnant with my first. Testing in a few hours, anybody had these symptoms before a pos...


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