Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Pregnancy Tests.
Second month trying for first 9DPO is this positive
Rhesus negative ladies - Has anyone tested positive for antibodies at their 28 week blood test? I had anti d twice back in July so they said it could possibly be that, but I did a follow up test and they still found antibodies 2 weeks later. Trying not to panic...
I’m not sure how many DPO I would be, but my period was due last Friday (1st Nov) and I tested positive on Tuesday 5th, was a faint-ish but very obviously line, think I’m just over 5 weeks. Since then it’s got slightly darker each day but this mornings one seems slightly lighter. Should I be worried? I’ve had no ble...
I just got this job that requires a 10 panel drug test at labcorp. I stopped smoking about a month ago but still test positive. Has anyone used Quick Fix synthetic urine to pass a lab test? If so, how did it go for you? Did you pass?
9DPO, inverted in comments
Can anyone advise? WTF is going on here scanned the cheapy strip says negative , clear blue 2 day one negative and the 4 day STATIC smiley??? Which one is it 😫
Still testing positive 😔. It'll be 3 weeks on Weds since I last had my hcg blood test which had come down to a point they were happy with. I have been advised to test again on Weds. I just feel like it's still going to be positive and it is so disheartening since we want to start trying again ASAP. I have also…
I got a positive test on Monday (first test I took since last period) and it's positive yay! But I'm scared it's not going to stick. Flo says I'm just 6 weeks now, I had a bit of heartburn and I'm very tired but it just doesn't feel real I'm so scared something will go wrong so not sure if I should let family know y...
So I'm 2 days late on my period but the pregnancy test was negative
I am 8 days away from my period , so are we out for this month?💔 how effective are the tests in obgyn office to detect the earliest positive?
Hi everyone, So I’m 4 weeks and 3 days pregnant, I’ve got 5 positive tests (the line has progressed) and I did a digital (wasn’t an early detection) at around 8:30am on Monday morning and it came back negative. My period hasn’t come, I’ve got the early symptoms, but I’m so so scared to do another digital. I’m plann...
I never go for clear blue but can’t find frer anywhere!! My periods are irregular but due on tomorrow and no signs of it anywhere. Initially I thought this was a stark negative but an hour later I see this tiny thin half line. Evap??? In the past I’ve had negatives with cb even though I was pregnant Also is anyo...
Tests not getting darker, but also not getting lighter over last 3 days… did a clear blue today and that was negative even though the same urine gave me a positive on FRER!
I have been getting so many symptoms, even strong cramps a week and half before my period but still negative?
I had my baby 7 months ago and I still haven't gotten my period. I'm living with my sister and she has a 3-year-old son who wants to be with me all the time and today she asked me, are you pregnant? I haven't taken the test and I don't want to spend money on it (it's very expensive for it to come out negative haha)...
Does anyone just KNOW that they’re pregnant before they actually get a positive?? Like I SWEAR I know I’m pregnant just too early to get a positive. I have all the symptoms and everything 🫣
Im 7 days DPO and tested with two different brands of tests in the evening. Both negative. Am I testing too early or would it normally come up? I tested pink dye first response and Premom pregnancy tests.
Negative 4dpt. When did you get your positives if you started to test early?
I'm 9dpo, I tested this morn and it looked neg, came back and it's dried positive? Only left it 10 mins. Has anyone had this happen?
I’ve done 5 red dye tests and they all came back positive, I’ve done a clear blue test today to see how many weeks and it came back not pregnant, I don’t really know what to do now