Multiple reasons but once confirmed pregnant go to the doctor. They'll set you up with an ultrasound around 6-8 weeks for viability. You can also get your hcg checked and see how high it's risen.
Yeah I’m very early. Like 5-6 days late period. Just have never had this happen with any of my last 3 pregnancies
Do you have a picture of your tests? What tests are you using
Try digital thats what i did but my lines were faint for a week before they got dark and i an now 8 weeks
Simple, hydration levels. Has a massive effect on line darkness. I personally wouldn't believe in any sort of line progression unless your doing them at least 3-4 days apart. But even then you would have to rely on pictures took in the 10min time frame because tests are invalid after that- you can't compare day old tests and expect any sort of realistic reading xx
@Nicole I used two digital and then three of the non digital ones with red dye that came with ovulation tests.
@Sally yeah I can see them more in the digital but not by much.
My tests never really got super dark with any of my pregnancies. Like I’ve never had a dye stealer.
Are you very early on in the pregnancy?