Community Posts, Tips & Support on Pregnancy Tests

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Pregnancy Tests.

Pregnancy test

The positive line is very light..... Is it still a positive? That's why I tried to get the best picture....


pregnancy testing!

so i was supposed to start my period yesterday, i still have no sign of a period today so i took a test, one of them cheap strip tests and it says negative.. could i still be pregnant and it just be too early or does this mean my period is late for another reason? do i need a different test for more accuracy? t...


I need some confirmation 🥺

Has anyone been testing and getting dark and faint lines when on to having a viable pregnancy ?🥺im really stressed as my tests r getting lighter I did the thing online when you put in all the dates and stuff and it's saying it's possible I conceived 26th Jan, I got my first positive 6th Feb


Positive ?

Is this a positive or an evaporation line ?


So upsetting

I did another test this morning snd it seems lighter I did one 2 hours after and the line is gone i think maybe it's a chemical I'm so dishearted 🥺im suppose to be 4 weeks 6 days today



11dpo and stark white negative, am I out this cycle?



My first positive was Monday- this was done this morning.. would you say this line is strong?


Freaking out!

Okay, so I should be 4+5 pregnant today. I had a blood test on Wednesday which was 640. I also took a digital test on Thursday which showed 2-3. I decided to take a test this afternoon (midday) and the line just doesn’t seem that dark! Should I be worried?


Help me please

This doesn't seem right? Why is the line so light? Am I supposed to look at the strips when I eject them from the device? Or is it like a digital pregnancy test would be where I'm not supposed to look at anything?


Boots has a faint line and clear blue says not positive

What happening


Is this an evap?

I have never ever had an evap like this dark and a light thick line underneath it? I have no idea if this is an evap line or positive? Somebody help I’m going crazy


When to tell partner?

I’ve had some very very faint lines and some negative results today. I’m not sure if I’m pregnant or not. If I am this will be our second pregnancy, last time I waited til I was 100% sure (it was on the same day). But this time around it’s a little earlier so I don’t know if I should bring him in on the finding o...


Tests getting lighter

So I’ve been testing since I found out I’m pregnant and today I’m 7 weeks. I feel my tests are getting lighter… should I be worried. The bottom one I just did now and the one above it was a dye stealer so I’m very worried now. I’ve also had a 3+ on clear blue… should I get another to see if it’s changed


Pregnancy test line

Can you get a fade line if you look at test after been sat there for 30 mins to and hour ? When first looked at test I thought was negative and now gone back 30 mins to an hours there’s line is that possible to get fade line ? I am 2 days late for my period


Is this negative

Hi is this negative on the clear blue? 13 days period late


Negative test?

Hi does this look like an evaporation line on the clear blue?


WCB and NE high?

Hi laddies, I got my bloodwork back my white blood cells were at 11.16 and my neutrophils are at 8.1. Says on the results they are high. I read this can be normal within pregnancy but I have a lot of medical anxiety so I just wanna hear if anyone else has had this too and what happened? Haven’t talk to my doctor yet...


Positive then negative test

Hello, I have had a number of positive tests starting last Friday up until Tuesday this week where I got a 1-2 weeks pregnant on a digital. I tested again today on a strip test to check the line was getting darker but it was negative, so I did 2 more digital which both now say ‘not pregnant’, but I’ve had no bleedi...


Have you ever had a false negative pregnancy test even testing a few days after period is late?

Please comment if yes. My period is a few days late but negative pregnancy test. I don’t know when to test again and I don’t know why else it could be so late. Usually quite regular.


Boots accuracy?

I had this positive test appear on my boots test, it appeared between 2-6minutes of taking the test but I didn’t time it. Im very early testing but as soon as I saw positive I looked at the reviews of the tests and they’re quite negative for showing indent lines that look positive. Does this look like a positive or ...


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